Pedro Quaresma wrote:
> I know one is internal and the other external, but about the sound itself,
> any big differences between both?

LAPC-1 is internal, MT-32 is external and requires a MIDI card set to port
330.  Sound out of both is identical (LAPC-1 is specifically a PC product, it
has a MIDI card and MT-32 embedded on it).
> And a bit more off topic, how easy would it be to get my hands on one of
> them? How much would I have to expect to pay for one and sorse still, what
> could I do with it on a modern rig? :)

LAPC-1 is my recommendation since it's hard to find an old 8-bit or 16-bit MIDI
card (or a modern PCI MIDI card that has perfect legacy support under DOS). 
Checking ebay...

Ebay sucks!  Can't find anything, although I just now verified that their
search facility is not working because I went to an auction that was ongoing,
then I searched for a unique word in the title and the search engine couldn't
find it.  I hate ebay sometimes.  Anyway, LAPC-1 is usually around $100 and
Roland MT-32 is usually around $60.

As for a modern rig, when not playing games it (both the MT-32 and LAPC-1) can
function as a MIDI device under windows.  It's not as good as some modern
wavetable cards, but it's better than the Adlib/FM synth found on common cheap
cards.  In fact, if you wanted to use the MT-32 instead of the FM synthesis on
your SB16 card, you could download the general MIDI patch set off of Roland's
tech support site and just download it to the MT-32 to make it a General MIDI
device.  The GMIDI patch set stays in the instrument until you either power
off, or change it yourself.
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