On Wednesday, October 16, 2002, at 06:12  AM, CcomputerGameCollector 
> Sorry to here that bro.  A group of fund-type auctions were surely 
> help. I'm
> sure.  As far as promoting, there are many ways.  Eli Thomlinson would
> gladly put a link on his page, I would put one on CGC, as I'm sure just
> about anyone else you contact would.

        One of my problems is that a fair number of the more valuable games my 
wife and I have are ones we gave each other.  (It was through trying to 
help people find Ultima games that we first started talking with each 
other.)  So a number of things we might sell have a sentimental value.

        On the pragmatic hand, given the economy, people just aren't paying 
the prices they used to for most of the stuff we collected (Ultima, 
Infocom).  Infocom folios, for example, just aren't fetching what they 
used to and Origin seems to have done an excellent job of killing the 
Ultimas.  :-(

        All of this is a long-winded way of saying I think you have an 
excellent idea, but I'll have to figure out which games I have that 
would work well with your idea.

        Thanks for your thoughts on the subject.


Edward Franks

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