On Saturday, November 9, 2002, at 04:15  AM, Alexander Zoller wrote:
That was an original one, yes. I confirmed this by talking to the winner
of the auction. Here's a larger picture:


That's some honest wear and tear a faker should find quite impossible to
I'm glad the buyer got a genuine game. I think I've dealt with the buyer before and I would hate to see him ripped off.

Given the efforts that people go through to fake wear and tear on art objects, I wouldn't be surprised to see someone try the same thing on an older game. Someone might attempt that to alleviate the possible suspicion that the fake was in too good a shape to be real.

This picture was actually what got me suspicious in the first place, Eyal
sending me the same image for the proposed trade that he used for the
Yeah. Saving eBay auction pages for future reference is very handy. :-D


Edward Franks

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