Boxes: Not sure of the sizes.  I'd say something big enough to hold
an SSI wargame should be about right.  I'd definitely order at least 100 of
them if they're in the $1.50/ea range.
        Philly classic: That gets my vote (so what if its 35 minutes from my
        John Romero's sig: I don't suppose you have a small cache of your
own creations in a box somewhere that you'd sign & put up for auction...

        Random comment: Backhand me if I'm wrong but depressingly few
classic game developers still write games.  I stumble across the occasional
homepage of an author and they have their past creations listed around page
3 or 4 of their online resume.  And then they have project management at the
top (yuck).  With the possible exception of politics and corporate
manuverings getting in the way, how can you get bored of turning pure
thought and creativity into reality?


-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Newman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 6:01 PM
Subject: Re: [SWCollect] New topic--Collectors UNITE!


Think long and hard before you get rid of your Synergistics on ebay!
Financial gain aside why would you do it? In a few decades the infant hobby
of computer software collecting might turn into a mature, mainstream hobby.
By selling these titles you would be removing a direct link to the very
beginning of the hobby. How many hobbies can you think of where acquiring
first generation artifacts is possible? 

These games are also a link to the state of the industry at the beginning of
your career, as well as the state of the art. Keep them as pristine and
innocent markers of a very exciting era.

Just my opinion...

John Romero wrote:
> > 2.  C.E. and I also spoke of the possibility of a software 
> > collector's 'meet and greet' at an agreed upon event.  We could get 
> > together to swap stories, share a meal, and perhaps even bring along 
> > some of our prized collectibles to show to each other!  The Philly 
> > Classic in Philadelphia this March, or Dragon*Con in Atlanta this 
> > August could be possible locations.  I assume that some of you would 
> > be interested in seeing the Museum's original Akalabeth, or our 
> > genuine Wing Commander Kilrathi head!  If we could make this happen, 
> > we could all at least go home with a ROMERO autograph (for a
> > nomial fee, perhaps?)  ;) Please let me hear some ideas on
> > locations, dates, and enthusiasms for an idea like this.
> > Would YOU attend?
> This sounds like a lotta fun - I would just have to find the time!  
> And autographs, well - those are always SO EXPENSIVE!  Hahahahaha!  
> I'm still pretty mystified that people want my signature...
> Maybe I would bring along MY Akalabeth... ;)
> You know, I have a bunch of old Synergistic Software titles in baggies 
> here....I was thinking about popping them up on eBay....
> - John
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