That kid (and all the Wasteland fans) may get lucky soon. Brian Fargo, not on Interplay anymore, bought the Bard's Tale license. Maybe he'll get the Wasteland license next.

Speaking of which, will we see all the "old masters" coming back to their classic titles? Sid Meier bought the licenses of Pirates and Master of Magic. After NWC becomes independent of 3dO again, wouldn't be surprised if Jon van Caneghem bought back the Might & Magic license. What next?

(No, stop dreaming, Richard Garriott will never get his hands on Ultima again).

Pedro R. Quaresma
Salvador Caetano IMVT
Div. Sistemas de Informação / Systems and Information Division
Administração e Desenvolvimento Lotus Notes /
Lotus Notes Admnistration and Development
[EMAIL PROTECTED] // +351 22 7867000 (ext. 3492)

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity." - Albert Einstein

Assunto: Re: [SWCollect] Surprised
07/24/03 02:22 AM
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Dan Chisarick wrote:

>     For no particular reason I stopped in the local "Game Stop".  I've
> been grabbing all the fullsize "Baldur's Gate" and "Icewind Dale" titles
> (and their add-ons) for $10-20 each lately.  6 down, 2 to go.  Anyway,
> guy behind the counter, couldn't have been more than... 19.  I mention
> something about the fullsize boxes and what a scam the re-release
> packaging is (no printed docs being the worst).  He mentions how he has
> games from (some number of years ago).  I said I had a few from '79.  
> Imagine my surprise when he said his favorite game of all time is
> "Wasteland".  He was talking about wanting to write to Brian Fargo about
> making a real sequel to that (none of this "Fallout" or even "Fountain
> of Dreams").  I was quite surprised.  He was at best in Kindergarden
> when Wasteland was released.  He grabbed images of it from the Internet
> and played it on an emulator.  Beat it several times.  I was jealous
> (any may be loading it up again in the very near future).

That is rare, and very cool.  Even after playing Fallout (haven't tried
Fallout 2 yet) and Arcanum (which I'm playing 2 games simultaneously), I think
that Wasteland is still my favorite game of all time.

I'm glad he found that and not something like a Scott Adams adventure (ducking
debris flung from Chris ;-D
Jim Leonard ([EMAIL PROTECTED])          
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