Dan Chisarick schrieb:
> how he has games from (some number of years ago).  I said I had a few
> from '79.  Imagine my surprise when he said his favorite game of all
> time is "Wasteland".  He was talking about wanting to write to Brian
> Fargo about making a real sequel to that (none of this "Fallout" or
> even "Fountain of Dreams").  I was quite surprised.  He was at best in
> Kindergarden when Wasteland was released.  He grabbed images of it from
> the Internet and played it on an emulator.  Beat it several times.  I
> was jealous (any may be loading it up again in the very near future).

I had a similar experience quite a while ago, when I was active on an
Ultima IX board, back when U9 was freshly released. 

A lot of those kids on that board got interested in the Ultima series
history. When I told them that due to the aged graphics and sound
effects they probably wouldn't much like the old titles, I was to my
surprise greeted with a "so what, the games are great" and "Ultima IV is
really cool" a couple of weeks later, once they had managed to pull the
games from some abandonware site.


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