Edward Franks schrieb:

>  From the article it apparently did.  Enough that the dev team decided
> it was worth the effort then and in the future.

You caught me; I was too lazy to register to read the article, and was
just recalling what happened to the last copy protection that worked
that way - FADE. 

FADE apparently caused a good portion of FUD among users, but IIRC the
cracker community adapted to it pretty fast. 

>         I pretty much agree with that.  People have gotten used to the idea
> that cheaper is always better -- zero cost being the cheapest --
> without understanding or giving a damn about the eventual long term
> consequences.  But, I'll save the economics rant for another day.  ;-)

Yeah, but it is not only the consumers who are to blame. It was the
retailers who conditioned them to take price as the top aspect.

Here in Germany large electronics chains use slogans like "being cheap
is hot."


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