Eric Priou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 17:30:10 +0200):

  > Romain has contacted me and I've tested directly from the bin, with 
  > bash… unfortunatly, the bug is there.
  > This is not a matter of as2ant.

oi, sorry then. i see the CDATA takes care of as2ant not handling everything i 
(or steve) happen to add to swfml.

it's a real bug then, affirmed. the rdf namespace is not properly included in 
the text written to the swf. i'll look into it when time (namespace handling is 
a bit messed up since we did the meta stuff).

as for the FileAttributes problem- reviewing the simple xslt, it should be set 
automatically if version>=8, hasMetaData will be 1 (true) as soon as the 
<movie> contains a <meta> element, and useNetwork can be set with <movie 
local-access="network"> or <movie local-access="filesystem"> respectively.



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