Jon Molesa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 09:23:20 +0000):

  > Wasn't aware it was a "hack".  For a hack it works great.  I found it
  > when I discovered the natural-entry point and for a hack it's truly
  > useful.
depends on the definition of "hack", i guess :)

for me, there's ugly hacks and, well, "beautiful" hacks. the latter is of 
course desirable.

the class=".." hack does nothing else but to include some AS code to call 
"Object.registerClass(<classname you've passed>)". you can look it up in 
src/xslt/simple-tools.xslt[1] (the 'register-class' template). seeing that this 
kind of hacking is where swfmill's xslt foundation really becomes a beauty, 
this probably classifies as a "beautiful hack".

it could be of interest if this is maybe also possible for haXe/flash9. 
someone'd need to hack in the AVM2 bytecodes to src/codegen/source.xml first, 
though ;)




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