Hi Roxlu,

it seems like Flash does the aliasing of the fonts. IIRC, when you
include a font with anti-aliasing switched off the SWF will get
smaller. So, it seems not to be a setting but actually different
glyphs, ant swfmill can't do that.

As for the wiki, I think it would be best to use the one on OSFlash,
with it more prominently positioned under "Documentation" on
swfmill.org. Most users probably know of it already and are likely to
have an OSFlash account. When the need arises to have an independent
wiki, moving the content would be trivial (as long as it's Dokuwiki,
at least).


On 1/26/07, Roxlu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm using swfmill for 8 days now, and I'm really getting used to it.
> Though I've been searching for a way to set the anti alias properties
> for imported fonts... or better... how to unset them.
> Is it possible to put off the 'anti alias' text? I've tried the 'normal'
> and 'advanced' anti-alias properties of a textfield, without any success.
> And......as I'm just beginning with SWFMill I'm documenting all the
> things which are important to know for a newbie. I was wondering, can
> you maybe install dokuwiki (or similar) on swfmill.org, so I can make my
> experiences + examples public?
> Thanks
> Roxlu
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