Hello Huub,
I changed some things in SWFShapeMaker.cpp in my SVG patch. A quick test
showed that the bottom values of 'o' and 'e' in Vera.ttf are almost
equal with the patch applied. You can try to apply the patch and check
if it works for you. Although I'm not sure if the bounding box
calculation in my version is correct, because I haven't tested if the
values it produces are accurate.

You can download the patch at:


> Hello
> I used swfmill to generate a swf library containing just a few glyphs from a 
> font. Wanting to use swftools to build the final swf animiation I used 
> swfextract to build a font library swftools would understand. Defining 
> textfields containing just one glyph in swftools I found that some of those 
> glyphs would have some parts chopped of.
> Trying to fix this I uses swfmill swf2xml to look at the bounding boxes in 
> the swfmill output, I changed the values, used swfmill xml2swf and then 
> swfextract again to finally get a correct looking animation.
> Having used several tools, the source of the issue was obvious of course, 
> but looking at the xml after unsing swfmill swf2xml on a swf file made by 
> swfmill simple using plain old 
> /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera/Vera.ttf I found that for 
> instance the bottom of the 'o' was significantly lower then the bottom of 
> the 'e'. Which corresponded with the 'o' being chopped of at the bottom.
> Looking at the code in SWFShapeMaker.cpp I found that if a CurveTo is 
> include in the shape then only the second point is used to find the bounding 
> box. This does not seem to a problem since in sequences of CurveTo's it 
> seems that the first point of a CurveTo is almost equal to the second point 
> in the previous CurveTo. But the first CurveTo in any sequence does have a 
> first point which is never used to find the bounding box.
> I added the line
>       minmax( cx+(lastx*factorx), cy+(lasty*factory) );
> to the end of SWFShapeMaker::CurveToR and found that the problem was gone, 
> looking at the xml again, the 'e', 'o' and 'u' had the same bottom as they 
> should (I included only a few glyphs).
> I'm guessing that it would be nice to have that extra minmax call included 
> only in the first CurveTo in a sequence, but I don't know enough about 
> TrueType files to be sure.
> Best Regards
> Huub

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