
I have a case where I am generating SWFs that contain static text (using a
separate tool), and now I would like to extract the text from these SWF
files. This is just for indexing/searching purposes, so I don't care about
formatting etc, I just want a way to dump out all the static text from a SWF
as plain text. However, when I use swfmill's swf2xml, it doesn't actually
give me the text, but a bunh of
<DefineText>...<TextRecord>...<glyphs>...<TextEntry glyph=1"

Is there any easy way I can actually extract this text? I know it is
theoretically possible, I own a copy of Burak's Actionscript Viewer, and it
has a function to extract all text data and dumps it to a TXT file.
Basically I'm looking for an automated way to do this on my server (so it
needs to be some crossplatform & commandline tool).

-David R

PS: Swfmill is great, it's very core part of our application, making it
easier for us to manipulate SWF files without having to learn a complex
binary format
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