On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 4:18 PM, franck ruzzin <fruz...@voila.fr> wrote:
> Hi Ricardo,
> It seems that you have found the problem.
> The tests I've done were on a Linux shared server (Linux Hosting).
> It is not possible to enable fastCGI.
> Moreover, the maximum memory allowed for a process is 32 Mo, and as you 
> noticed with the files I sent, the conversion reach 40M/50M of memory.
> I will try more investigations with an other server where fasstCGI is 
> enabled, but this cannot be done before a month.

If you have a limit of 32M per process, the way php is
configured(mod_php, fastcgi, cgi,...) doesnt matter.

If you resize images/photos that you have in those documents before
exporting to pdf,
they problaby will be converted, assuming that you have the original ones.


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