And '-G' didn't help.

Best regards,

2014-03-31 11:17 GMT+02:00 Mladen Mijatovic <>:

> Thanks for the answer, Peter. I am testing it now with -G option. Maybe
> this will solve my problem, cause I can not depend on optimising in
> Acrobat, there will be files on my server added from many users, so can't
> control that. Maybe to reduce file size for pdf that can be uploaded, cause
> this is way to much for now, 500Mb, but it is customer requirement.
> Best regards,
> Mladen.
> 2014-03-31 11:05 GMT+02:00 Piotr <>:
> We've found that it's very useful to optimize pdf by using Acrobat before
>> pdf2swf processing. In many cases it solved the problem you mentioned.
>> Regards, Peter
>> 2014-03-30 3:11 GMT+02:00 Mladen Mijatovic <>:
>>>  Hi,
>>> I am using SWFTools, especially pdf2swf. But I have problems with a size
>>> of pdf docs, I am trying to convert some pdf's that are from 120Mb - 460Mb.
>>> Is this possible? I am getting error '*This is too complex to render
>>> SWF, only supports 65536 shapes at once*' . Can this be fixed with some
>>> of parameters in pdf@swf command? I execute with poly2bitmap but this
>>> doesn't solve my problem.
>>> I will try -s bitmap and --flatening. Is there some other option to help
>>> me and is some of those can produce bad swf quality?
>>> Also I need some basic instructions on how to add some custom text
>>> watermark in swf file?
>>> Thanks in advance.
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