Hi everyone,

As we’re wrapping up Swift 3.1, I think it’d be a great opportunity to have a 
quality focus area on one of our most important APIs: URLSession. If you’ve 
been wondering how to make a meaningful contribution, this is the perfect time.

It’d be great to greatly expand both unit test and higher level test coverage 
of URLSession. For testing that can’t really be part of a unit test and CI like 
poorly performing networks or esoteric configurations, it would also be nice to 
build a different kind of test tool. That tool would provide a lot of knobs for 
controlling a URLSession. We could make this tool part of the 
swift-corelibs-foundation project.

Is anyone interested in chipping in here? We don’t have to start big. Even 
small contributions could get us moving in the right direction.

- Tony

swift-corelibs-dev mailing list

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