Hi Paul,

> On Jan 27, 2017, at 12:51 AM, Paul Stringer via swift-corelibs-dev 
> <swift-corelibs-dev@swift.org> wrote:
> Hi Tony,
> First post and excited to join the party.

Great, welcome!

> I'm sure this may have been solved many times over by the community already. 
> Maybe we can collect some ideas on this. In the spirit of a small step to get 
> things moving forward I'm sharing my own approach which has proven very 
> effective for making URLSession extremely testable and it's amazingly little 
> code with zero weirdness. All credit for the technique comes from Michael 
> Feathers "Working Effectively with Legacy Code"
> Here's the Gist:
> https://gist.github.com/paulstringer/7f60e446c8b8b6be3647e42936b44877
> And an explanation:
> Leveraging the 'Subclass and Override Method' Technique I create a subclass 
> e.g. 'NSURLSessionTestable'. I then expose any hidden dependancies using 
> NSURLSession.sharedSession() in the code and make this dependancy injected to 
> create a seam. Under test we are then able to substitute uses of 
> sharedSession with an instance of NSURLSessionTestable.
> NSURLSessionTestable is trivial in that we simply override 
> dataTaskWithRequest() -> NSURLSessionDataTask()
> The returned instance of NSURLSessionDataTask() does nothing. Instead we 
> immediately invoke the completionHandler returning local instance variables 
> of Data & URLResponse - these are provided by the test.
> With this approach you have completely removed any network calls and 
> asynchronous behaviour. This leads to extremely concise easy to setup and run 
> tests.
> It's so trivial I wonder if it would even be worth adding to the corelib - 
> I'm personally a little wary of special 'knobs and dials' intended for making 
> it more testable that could be hard to find or worse become used for doing 
> odd stuff in production.
> I've never seen any explicit 'Testable' classes so this would certainly mark 
> a break from tradition but I personally have found the approach to work 
> extremely well and through use of an explicitly named class it's intention 
> revealing + easily discovered.
> - Paul
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This all sounds very interesting. I think that ‘testable’ subclasses would be 
totally reasonable as part of this test tool or our testing framework.

I have had some challenges in the past trying to carefully manage the public 
API surface vs. what is required for testing. This is easier in ObjC, where 
there are a lot of interesting hacks one can do to get at internal stuff. =) If 
an outcome of this is that we can figure out how to leverage @testable for 
ourselves in swift-corelibs-foundation then that would be awesome as well.

Looking forward to seeing more ideas,

- Tony

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