It’s been agreed by almost everyone that “in” is at the very least a poor 
delimiter. It’s barely noticeable.

> On 27 Dec 2015, at 22:54, Developer <> wrote:
> Hell, we have Unicode support, why not λ (U+03BB)?  Seriously though, for a 
> C-like language I have to agree that Swift's approach is one of the best.  I 
> can't think of a way of improving it that wouldn't immediately clash with the 
> style and syntax of the language.  Sure you could change a few keywords here 
> and there, but fundamentally 
> { args in body } 
> Strikes a balance between C-like basic blocks and Objective-C-like blocks.  
> When you start making more of this implicit or shifting it around, you have 
> to necessarily start caring about things like whitespace and implicit scoping 
> (I notice in the example you give, it is immediately less clear which 
> identifiers are bound into what block). Things I don't think Swift wants you 
> to care about, or makes explicit where you should.  Losing a few characters 
> here and there doesn't seem worth it to lose an equal amount of 
> declarative-ness.
> ~Robert Widmann
> 2015/12/27 17:24、Brent Royal-Gordon via swift-evolution 
> <> のメッセージ:
>>> In this mail I’m answering several statements made in this thread by 
>>> different people, not only Brent’s mail from which I just picked the 
>>> following snippet:
>>>> let names = => person { }
>>> For me that is more difficult to read than
>>>   let names = { person in }
>>> Especially when chaining is used, i.e.
>>>   let names = people.filter => person { person.isFriend }.map => person { 
>>> }
>>> (or would I have to add parentheses somewhere with this proposed syntax?)
>>> vs.
>>>   let names = people.filter { person in person.isFriend }.map { person in 
>>> }
>> I said in the email that => is too visually heavy for this role.
>> Here's something lighter, although I'm still not satisfied with it, and not 
>> seriously suggesting it:
>>   let names = ~ person { }
>> Or even:
>>   let names = \person { }
>> However, I'm really struggling to find anything that I actually like here. 
>> This may be one of those cases where we dislike what's there and explore a 
>> bunch of options, only to find out that the current thing actually is the 
>> least bad alternative after all.
>> -- 
>> Brent Royal-Gordon
>> Architechies
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