> On May 29, 2016, at 5:16 PM, Austin Zheng <austinzh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think the problem here is that P == P is true, but P : P is not (a protocol 
> does not conform to itself).

But if you have a variable, parameter, etc. typed as P, that’s *not* the 
protocol, since protocols aren’t concrete entities. What you have there, by 
definition, is something that conforms to P. Similarly, something like [P] is 
just a collection of things, perhaps of various types, which all have the 
common feature that they conform to P.

> I think there was some discussion about it on the original "Completing 
> Generics" thread from March. I'd probably ask on the swift-users list why P 
> can't be made to conform to P, and then put together a proposal if there's no 
> good reason.

Will do.


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