
I was thinking about this, and would like to get some feedback before making my 
first proposal.

Best regards,


Shorthand Argument Renaming


Swift automatically provides shorthand argument names to inline closures which 
cleverly allows us to write

    reversed = names.sort( { $0 > $1 } )

I would suggest to use another syntax, using these new “names”

    reversed = names.sort( { .0 > .1 } )


The $n notation is generally used with positional parameters using one-based 
numbering, $1 referring to argument 1; $2, to argument 2... with a special 
meaning for $0 (could be the name of the function, or the full list of 

This $n notation is often handy, but feels strange in Swift... like imported 
from UNIX scripting (but here zero-based, anyway).

Proposed solution

The .n notation is more Swift-like — as used to access Tuple members, for 

Detailed design

Today, .0 or .1 (as any .n's) are refused by the compiler, as being not valid 
floating point literals.

I’m not a compiler expert, but eventually fetching this error inside a closure 
body could easily be translated into accepting this new syntax.

There can’t be conflict with other shorthands (like accessing static members 
using dot notation) as members can’t consist of only digits characters.

Impact on existing code

$n need to be rewritten .n

Alternatives considered

Create a default argument named “arguments” (like “error” in catch, “newValue” 
in setters or “oldValue” in a a didSet observer) accessed like a Tuple

    reversed = names.sort( { arguments.0 > arguments.1 } )

but this is (of course) much less convenient.

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