Proposal Link:

The review of "SE-0112: Improved NSError Bridging" ran from June 30 ... July 4, 
2016. The proposal has been *accepted*:

The community and core team agree that this proposal is a huge step forward 
that enriches the experience working with and extending the Cocoa NSError model 
in Swift.  The core team requests one minor renaming of 
"attemptRecovery(optionIndex:andThen:)" to 
"attemptRecovery(optionIndex:resultHandler:)”.  It also discussed renaming 
CustomNSError and RecoverableError, but decided to stay with those names.

Thank you to Doug Gregor and Charles Srstka for driving this discussion 
forward, and for Doug Gregor taking the charge on the implementation effort to 
make this happen for Swift 3!

-Chris Lattner
Review Manager

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