> On 16 Jul 2016, at 18:05, Jose Cheyo Jimenez via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> I agree with Kevin Ballard on being open by default for methods/ properties 
> http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.swift.evolution/23467/ 
> <http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.swift.evolution/23467/>
> If we are open by default for methods/properties then we could simplify 
> things by just using final for methods that need to be sealed; I don’t see 
> the need to have sealed methods/properties outside of the module ONLY. 

The proposal (and additional comments) explain this point fairly well. Usually, 
it makes sense to be overridable only for few select members — and compiler 
can’t easily figure out which entry points these are as the API invariants are 
not explicit. By making members sealed by default, the API contracts are made 
more clear.  Second (and a very important reason) is performance — if 
everything is open by default, the compiler can’t devirtualize property 
accessors even though it would be appropriate most of the time. The compiler 
can infer the ‚final‘ status of definitions within a module easily and optimise 
accordingly, which wot work if these definitions can be overridden externally. 
To put it differently, its much easier for the compiler to determine what can 
be safely considered final than what can be safely considered sealed. The 
design choices in the proposal follow naturally from these considerations. 

The final keyword still has its use, although I think its utility will be 
somewhat diminished after this proposal. You can still use it for things that 
can’t be overridden internally. Like classes that are intended only to be used 
as ‚structs  with reference semantics‘. 

— T

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