> On Aug 9, 2016, at 1:28 PM, Kevin Ballard via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> The Rust language used to use a green thread model like Go (actually it 
> exposed a configurable threading interface so you could choose green threads 
> or OS threads). It also used segmented stacks like Go did. Over time, Rust 
> ended up dropping the segmented stacks because it significantly complicated 
> FFI without providing much, if any, benefit (and IIRC Go followed suite and 
> dropped segmented stacks somewhere around version 1.5), and then a little 
> while later Rust dropped green threads entirely. If you can find them, there 
> are lots of discussions of the pros and cons that were documented during this 
> process (on mailing lists, in IRC, possibly on Discourse, there's probably at 
> least one post about it in the Rust subreddit, etc). But ultimately, it was 
> determined that keeping this ability significantly complicated the Rust 
> runtime and it provided almost no benefit. The OS is already really good at 
> scheduling threads, and there's no memory savings without segmented stacks 
> (though the OS will map virtual pages for the stack and only allocate the 
> backing physical pages as the memory is touched, so even if you have a 2MB 
> stack, a new thread will only actually allocate something like 8kb). And 
> there are some pretty big downsides to green threads, such as the fact that 
> it significantly complicates the runtime since all I/O everywhere has to be 
> nonblocking and it has to be transparent to the code, and FFI ends up as a 
> major problem (even without segmented stacks), because you have no idea if an 
> FFI call will block. Green threading libraries end up having to allocate 
> extra OS threads just to continue servicing the green threads when the 
> existing threads are potentially blocked in FFI.
> So ultimately, green threads really only make sense when you control the 
> entire ecosystem, so you can ensure the whole stack is compatible with green 
> threads and won't ever issue blocking calls, and even there there's not much 
> benefit and there's a lot of complexity involved.

In addition to FFI, there's also no way for memory-mapped IO to be non-blocking 
(a page fault can only be handled by the kernel, after all).

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