Strong -1 from me as currently written.

There is no reason to remove Emoji from identifiers, nor to restrict operators 
to ASCII only (especially since the corresponding UAX spec is still under 
construction). Emoji are just as much a part of modern communication as the 
Latin alphabet. Swift should not seek to restrict a user’s ability to express 

Given the problems with operators restricting Emoji from operators seems 
reasonable. Prohibiting non-printing characters also makes sense.


> On Oct 18, 2016, at 11:34 PM, Jacob Bandes-Storch via swift-evolution 
> <> wrote:
> Refining Identifier and Operator Symbology
> Proposal: SE-NNNN 
> <>
> Authors: Jacob Bandes-Storch <>, Erica Sadun 
> <>, Xiaodi Wu <>, Jonathan 
> Shapiro
> Review Manager: TBD
> Status: Awaiting review
> <>Introduction
> This proposal seeks to refine and rationalize Swift's identifier and operator 
> symbology. Specifically, this proposal:
> adopts the Unicode recommendation for identifier characters, with some minor 
> exceptions;
> restricts the legal operator set to the current ASCII operator characters;
> changes where dots may appear in operators; and
> disallows Emoji from identifiers and operators.
> <>
> Proposed solution
> For identifiers, adopt the recommendations made in UAX #31 Identifier and 
> Pattern Syntax <>, deriving the sets of valid 
> characters from ID_Start and ID_Continue. Normalize identifiers using 
> Normalization Form C (NFC).
> (For operators, no such recommendation currently exists, although active work 
> is in progress to update UAX #31 to address "operator identifiers".)
> Restrict operators to those ASCII characters which are currently operators. 
> All other operator characters are removed from the language.
> Allow dots in operators in any location, but only in runs of two or more.
> (Overall, this proposal is aggressive in its removal of problematic 
> characters. We are not attempting to prevent the addition or re-addition of 
> characters in the future, but by paring the set down now, we require any 
> future changes to pass the high bar of the Swift Evolution process.)
> <>Detailed
>  design
> <>Identifiers
> Swift identifier characters will conform to UAX #31 
> <> as follows:
> UAX31-C1. <> The conformance described 
> herein refers to the Unicode 9.0.0 version of UAX #31 (dated 2016-05-31 and 
> retrieved 2016-10-09).
> UAX31-C2. <> Swift shall observe the 
> following requirements:
> UAX31-R1. <> Swift shall augment the 
> definition of "Default Identifiers" with the following profiles:
> ID_Start and ID_Continue shall be used for Start and Continue (replacing 
> XID_Start and XID_Continue). This excludes characters in Other_ID_Start and 
> Other_ID_Continue.
> _ 005F LOW LINE shall additionally be allowed as a Start character.
> The emoji characters 🐶 1F436 DOG FACE and 🐮 1F42E COW FACE shall be allowed 
> as Start and Continue characters.
> (UAX31-R1a. <>) The join-control 
> characters ZWJ and ZWNJ are strictly limited to the special cases A1, A2, and 
> B described in UAX #31. (This requirement is covered in the Normalize Unicode 
> Identifiers proposal <>.)
> UAX31-R4. <> Swift shall consider two 
> identifiers equivalent when they have the same normalized form under NFC 
> <>. (This requirement is covered in the 
> Normalize Unicode Identifiers proposal 
> <>.)
> These changes 
> <>
>  result in the removal of some 5,500 valid code points from the identifier 
> characters, as well as hundreds of thousands of unassigned code points. 
> (Though it does not appear on this <> utility, 
> which currently supports only Unicode 8 data, the · 00B7 MIDDLE DOT is no 
> longer an identifier character.) Adopting ID_Start and ID_Continue does not 
> add any new identifier characters.
> <>Grammar
>  changes
> identifier-head → [:ID_Start:]
> identifier-head → _ 🐶 🐮
> identifier-character → identifier-head
> identifier-character → [:ID_Continue:]
> <>Operators
> Swift operator characters will be limited to only the following ASCII 
> characters:
> ! % & * + - . / < = > ? ^ | ~
> The current restrictions on reserved tokens and operators will remain: =, ->, 
> //, /*, */, ., ?, prefix <, prefix &, postfix >, and postfix ! are reserved.
> <>Dots
>  in operators
> The current requirements for dots in operator names are:
> If an operator doesn’t begin with a dot, it can’t contain a dot elsewhere.
> This proposal changes the rule to:
> Dots may only appear in operators in runs of two or more.
> Under the revised rule, ..< and ... are allowed, but <.< is not. We also 
> reserve the .. operator, permitting the compiler to use .. for a "method 
> cascade" syntax in the future, as supported by Dart 
> <>.
> Motivations for incorporating the two-dot rule are:
> It helps avoid future lexical complications arising from lone .s.
> It's a conservative approach, erring towards overly restrictive. Dropping the 
> rule in future (thereby allowing single dots) may be possible.
> It doesn't require special cases for existing infix dot operators in the 
> standard library, ... (closed range) and ..< (half-open range). It also 
> leaves the door open for the standard library to add analogous half-open and 
> fully-open range operators <.. and <..<.
> If we fail to adopt this rule now, then future backward-compatibility 
> requirements will preclude the introduction of some potentially useful 
> language enhancements.
> <>Grammar
>  changes
> operator → operator-head operator-characters[opt]
> operator-head → ! % & * + - / < = > ? ^ | ~
> operator-head → operator-dot operator-dots
> operator-character → operator-head
> operator-characters → operator-character operator-character[opt]
> operator-dot → .
> operator-dots → operator-dot operator-dots[opt]
> <>Emoji
> If adopted, this proposal eliminates emoji from Swift identifiers and 
> operators. Despite their novelty and utility, emoji characters introduce 
> significant challenges to the language
I understand removing Emoji from operators but I object to removing them from 

> Their categorization into identifiers and operators is not semantically 
> motivated, and is fraught with discrepancies.
> Emoji characters are not displayed consistently and uniformly across 
> different systems and fonts. Including all Unicode emoji 
> <> 
> introduces characters that don't render as emoji on Apple platforms without a 
> variant selector, but which also wouldn't normally be used as identifier 
> characters (e.g. ⏏ ▪ ▫).
> Some emoji nearly overlap with existing operator syntax: ❗️❓➕➖➗✖️
> Full emoji support necessitates handling a variety of use cases for joining 
> characters and variant selectors, which would not otherwise be useful in most 
> cases. It would be hard to avoid permitting sequences of characters which 
> aren't valid emoji, or being overly restrictive and not properly supporting 
> emoji introduced in future versions of Unicode.
> As an exception, in homage to Swift's origins, we permit 🐶 and 🐮 in 
> identifiers.
> <>Source
>  compatibility
> This change is source-breaking in cases where developers have incorporated 
> emoji or custom non-ASCII operators, or identifiers with characters which 
> have been disallowed. This is unlikely to be a significant breakage for the 
> majority of serious Swift code.
> Code using the middle dot · in identifiers may be slightly more common. · is 
> now disallowed entirely.
> Diagnostics for invalid characters are already produced today. We can improve 
> them easily if needed.
> Maintaining source compatibility for Swift 3 should be easy: just keep the 
> old parsing & identifier lookup code.
> <>Effect
>  on ABI stability
> This proposal does not affect the ABI format itself, although the Normalize 
> Unicode Identifiers proposal 
> <> affects the ABI of 
> compiled modules.
> The standard library will not be affected; it uses ASCII symbols with no 
> combining characters.
> <>Effect
>  on API resilience
> This proposal doesn't affect API resilience.
> <>Alternatives
>  considered
> Define operator characters using Unicode categories such as Sm and So 
> <>.
>  This approach would include many "non-operator-like" characters and doesn't 
> seem to provide a significant benefit aside from a simpler definition.
> Hand-pick a set of "operator-like" characters to include. The proposal 
> authors tried this painstaking approach, and came up with a relatively 
> agreeable set of about 650 code points 
> <*%2B%5C-%2F%3C%3D%3E%3F%5C%5E%7C%7E%0D%0A%0D%0A%5Cu00AC%0D%0A%5Cu00B1%0D%0A%5Cu00B7%0D%0A%5Cu00D7%0D%0A%5Cu00F7%0D%0A%0D%0A%5Cu2208-%5Cu220D%0D%0A%5Cu220F-%5Cu2211%0D%0A%5Cu22C0-%5Cu22C3%0D%0A%5Cu2212-%5Cu221D%0D%0A%5Cu2238%0D%0A%5Cu223A%0D%0A%5Cu2240%0D%0A%5Cu228C-%5Cu228E%0D%0A%5Cu2293-%5Cu22A3%0D%0A%5Cu22BA-%5Cu22BD%0D%0A%5Cu22C4-%5Cu22C7%0D%0A%5Cu22C9-%5Cu22CC%0D%0A%5Cu22D2-%5Cu22D3%0D%0A%5Cu2223-%5Cu222A%0D%0A%5Cu2236-%5Cu2237%0D%0A%5Cu2239%0D%0A%5Cu223B-%5Cu223E%0D%0A%5Cu2241-%5Cu228B%0D%0A%5Cu228F-%5Cu2292%0D%0A%5Cu22A6-%5Cu22B9%0D%0A%5Cu22C8%0D%0A%5Cu22CD%0D%0A%5Cu22D0-%5Cu22D1%0D%0A%5Cu22D4-%5Cu22FF%0D%0A%5Cu22CE-%5Cu22CF%0D%0A%0D%0A%5Cu2A00-%5Cu2AFF%0D%0A%0D%0A%5Cu27C2%0D%0A%5Cu27C3%0D%0A%5Cu27C4%0D%0A%5Cu27C7%0D%0A%5Cu27C8%0D%0A%5Cu27C9%0D%0A%5Cu27CA%0D%0A%5Cu27CE-%5Cu27D7%0D%0A%5Cu27DA-%5Cu27DF%0D%0A%5Cu27E0-%5Cu27E5%0D%0A%0D%0A%5Cu29B5-%5Cu29C3%0D%0A%5Cu29C4-%5Cu29C9%0D%0A%5Cu29CA-%5Cu29D0%0D%0A%5Cu29D1-%5Cu29D7%0D%0A%5Cu29DF%0D%0A%5Cu29E1%0D%0A%5Cu29E2%0D%0A%5Cu29E3-%5Cu29E6%0D%0A%5Cu29FA%0D%0A%5Cu29FB%0D%0A%0D%0A%5Cu2308-%5Cu230B%0D%0A%5Cu2336-%5Cu237A%0D%0A%5Cu2395%5D>
>  (although this set would require further refinement), but ultimately felt 
> the motivation for including non-ASCII operators is much lower than for 
> identifiers, and the harm to readers/writers of programs outweighs their 
> potential utility.
> Use Normalization Form KC (NFKC) instead of NFC. The decision to use NFC 
> comes from Normalize Unicode Identifiers proposal 
> <>. Also, UAX #31 states:
> Generally if the programming language has case-sensitive identifiers, then 
> Normalization Form C is appropriate; whereas, if the programming language has 
> case-insensitive identifiers, then Normalization Form KC is more appropriate.
> NFKC may also produce surprising results; for example, "ſ" and "s" are 
> equivalent under NFKC.
> Continue to allow single .s in operators, and perhaps even expand the 
> original rule to allow them anywhere (even if the operator does not begin 
> with .).
> This would allow a wider variety of custom operators (for some interesting 
> possibilities, see the operators in Haskell's Lens 
> <> package). However, there are 
> a handful of potential complications:
> Combining prefix or postfix operators with member access: foo*.bar would need 
> to be parsed as foo *. barrather than (foo*).bar. Parentheses could be 
> required to disambiguate.
> Combining infix operators with contextual members: foo*.bar would need to be 
> parsed as foo *. bar rather than foo * (.bar). Whitespace or parentheses 
> could be required to disambiguate.
> Hypothetically, if operators were accessible as members such as MyNumber.+, 
> allowing operators with single .s would require escaping operator names 
> (perhaps with backticks, such as MyNumber.`+`).
> This would also require operators of the form [!?]*\. (for example . ?. !. 
> !!.) to be reserved, to prevent users from defining custom operators that 
> conflict with member access and optional chaining.
> We believe that requiring dots to appear in groups of at least two, while in 
> some ways more restrictive, will prevent a significant amount of future pain, 
> and does not require special-case considerations such as the above.
> <>Future
>  directions
> While not within the scope of this proposal, the following considerations may 
> provide useful context for the proposed changes. We encourage the community 
> to pick up these topics when the time is right.
> Re-expand operators to allow some non-ASCII characters. There is work in 
> progress to update UAX #31 with definitions for "operator identifiers" — when 
> this work is completed, it would be worth considering for Swift.
> Introduce a syntax for method cascades. The Dart language supports method 
> cascades 
> <>,
>  whereby multiple methods can be called on an object within one expression: 
> effectively performs; foo.baz(). This syntax can 
> also be used with assignments and subscripts. Such a feature might be very 
> useful in Swift; this proposal reserves the .. operator so that it may be 
> added in the future.
> Introduce "mixfix" operator declarations. Mixfix operators are based on 
> pattern matching, and would allow more than two operands. For example, the 
> ternary operator ? : can be defined as a mixfix operator with three "holes": 
> _ ? _ : _. Subscripts might be subsumed by mixfix declarations such as _ [ _ 
> ]. Some holes could be made @autoclosure, and there might even be holes whose 
> argument is represented as an AST, rather than a value or thunk, supporting 
> advanced metaprogramming (for instance, F#'s code quotations 
> <>).
> Diminish or remove the lexical distinction between operators and identifiers. 
> If precedence and fixity applied to traditional identifiers as well as 
> operators, it would be possible to incorporate ASCII equivalents for standard 
> operators (e.g. and for &&, to allow A and B). If additionally combined with 
> mixfix operator support, this might enable powerful DSLs (for instance, C#'s 
> LINQ <>).
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