> On Oct 17, 2016, at 11:45 PM, Rien via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> “culturally offensive” is not a logical argument.
> A programming language should be logically consistent no matter how many 
> cultures are offended by it.
> If Swift is driven by SJW’s then very quickly it will cease to be an 
> effective language.

I don’t think using “SJW” as a slur is appropriate, certainly not in 
swift-evolution. We aim to be an open and inclusive community. Cultural 
sensitivity is one of Swift’s goals; that’s why it supports Unicode 
identifiers… so people can use their native language if they wish. The world is 
not the Western Latin-1 character set.

None of these goals are mutually-exclusive with logical arguments; that’s a 
false dichotomy. 

I’m not aware of any programming language that is 100% logically consistent. 
They all make concessions to programmer culture, history, practical concerns, 
and even opinion/whims. Python doesn’t have multi-line lambdas because Guido 
doesn’t like them. Even Haskell has unsafePerformIO because the real world is 
not a pure function. We talk about how beautiful or ugly syntax is all the 
time, which is absolutely a value judgement.

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