I would very much like to know what the status is of conditional conformances 
and if there’s a timeline for them or they are underway or whatnot. My 
unscientific gut check suggests something like 50% of recent proposals or rough 
ideas have been impaired by their absence. :P


> On Jan 12, 2017, at 4:03 PM, Xiaodi Wu via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> I agree that there are use cases where the distinction between ClosedRange 
> and Range is less ergonomic than perhaps possible. However, I would be very 
> much against rolling back the improved correctness, but as has been suggested 
> by a previous comment on the swift-users lists, a protocol would not be out 
> of place. By current Swift conventions, and given our goal of as much source 
> compatibility as possible (i.e. not renaming `Range`), such a protocol would 
> be named `RangeProtocol`.
> At the moment, we actually have four range types: Range, CountableRange, 
> ClosedRange, CountableClosedRange. Once conditional conformances fall into 
> place, the Countable versions can go away. There are useful algorithms that 
> can ignore the distinction between an open range and a closed range when the 
> bounds are countable (e.g. Int) that do _not_ make sense when the bounds are 
> not countable (e.g. Float). This comes down to the fact that `0...(2 as Int)` 
> is in many ways another way of expressing `0..<(3 as Int)` but `0...(2 as 
> Float)` is very much not the same thing as `0..<(3 as Float)`. Therefore, IMO 
> it'd be wisest to hold off on designing a `RangeProtocol` until the requisite 
> generics features are implemented, so that the final design can take 
> advantage of such features for a maximally ergonomic but still correct design.
> On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 3:44 PM, Adriano Ferreira via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> Hi David,
> There were a few instances where this topic or similar came up at the Swift 
> Evolution List and Swift Users List.
> There’s even this interesting proposal that dwells with it while providing 
> more lenient subscripts to collections.
> BTW, I agree with you, having the range type split is somewhat confusing, 
> specially for those new to the language.
> Best,
> —A
>> On Jan 12, 2017, at 3:11 PM, David Hart via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Since the release of Swift 3, I’ve seen quite a few people (me included) 
>> experience a lot of friction with the new types for representing ranges. 
>> I’ve seen people confused when writing an API that takes a Range as argument 
>> but then can’t pass in a ClosedRange. Sometimes this can be fixed because 
>> the API should be written against a more general protocol, but sometimes 
>> that’s not the case.
>> Those new types definitely seem to cause more problems than they fixed (the 
>> Int.max problem). Has the Standard Library team put any thought into this?
>> Regards,
>> David.
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