> On Jan 26, 2017, at 13:02, Rick Mann via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> Thanks for that, that's helpful.
> My concern, of course, is the obvious one: that we'll have to compromise on 
> future functionality in order to not break ABI compatibility, or we'll have a 
> painful transition when we do break it. While today it's suboptimal to ship 
> copies of the runtime with each application, it's a working solution.
> I'd really like to make sure Swift can be fully introspective (soon), but I 
> don't know how easy it will be to add that after the ABI is locked down. 
> Maybe I'm just being alarmist. I'd also like to see the ability to replace 
> code at run time.
> If all that is already accommodated by the current ABI, then I'm satisfied. 
> But it seems like there's some concern about this, and I worry that locking 
> down the ABI too early will make those additions MUCH harder in the future.

On a scale of "trivial" to "impossible", how difficult would it be to have a 
mechanism for telling the compiler how to translate between major versions of 
the ABI/stdlib? Could we ship app/libs with a small "shim" library for 
backwards compatibility, if we had to? I mean it wouldn't be ideal, but if it's 
possible, "works" is better than either "doesn't work" or "painted into a 
corner", isn't it?

(In any case, this seems like a last resort... I bring it up not as a "proper" 
solution, but as a possible "emergency" way out, if we realize in 2-3 years 
that we locked some things down too soon.)

- Dave Sweeris
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