> It would mean for Apple (and others who'd distribute compiled frameworks) to 
> maintain several code bases of the same framework given that they would need 
> to maintain backward compatibility and hence wouldn't be able to use new 
> language features, etc. It's IMHO not that much about the technical 
> constraint of having multiple binaries within the framework bundle as much as 
> maintaining the code in a way that would compile under all Swift versions 
> you'd like to support.
I haven't spend much time thinking about the implications, but wouldn't it be 
feasible to freeze old frameworks completely when a new Swift version is added?
After all, bundled code isn't updated at all, so I see no downside here — 
actually, it only adds flexibility that could be utilised when critical bugs 
are discovered.

I wouldn't expect that I can mix language and framework versions freely.
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