> On Feb 6, 2017, at 9:00 PM, Karl Wagner via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> - Nested protocols in generic types are not parameterised by the parent's 
> generic parameters.
So if I write GenericType<Int>.SomeProto and GenericType<String>.SomeProto, is 
it the same protocol? What about GenericType.SomeProto, is that allowed?


> - Some observations as to how capturing might be implemented in the future, 
> standard library benefits.
> This is a chance for everybody to go over it once more before the actual 
> review.
> Github: https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/pull/552 
> <https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/pull/552>
> Raw:
> --------
> # Ease restrictions on protocol nesting
> * Proposal: [SE-XXXX](xxxx-ease-protocol-nesting.md)
> * Authors: [Karl Wagner](https://github.com/karlwa 
> <https://github.com/karlwa>)
> * Review Manager: TBD
> * Status: **Awaiting review**
> *During the review process, add the following fields as needed:*
> * Decision Notes: 
> [Rationale](https://lists.swift.org/pipermail/swift-evolution/ 
> <https://lists.swift.org/pipermail/swift-evolution/>), [Additional 
> Commentary](https://lists.swift.org/pipermail/swift-evolution/ 
> <https://lists.swift.org/pipermail/swift-evolution/>)
> * Bugs: [SR-NNNN](https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-NNNN 
> <https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-NNNN>), 
> [SR-MMMM](https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-MMMM 
> <https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-MMMM>)
> * Previous Revision: 
> [1](https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/...commit-ID.../proposals/NNNN-filename.md
> <https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/...commit-ID.../proposals/NNNN-filename.md>)
> * Previous Proposal: [SE-XXXX](XXXX-filename.md)
> ## Introduction
> Protocols define a way to express a syntactic and semantic contract. This 
> semantic nature means that protocols are often intended to used in the 
> context of one specific type (such as a 'delegate' protocol). Similarly, 
> protocols sometimes wish to define specific types to be used within the 
> context of that protocol (usually an `enum`).
> This proposal would allow protocols to be nested in other types (including 
> other protocols), and for structural types to be nested inside of protocols 
> -- subject to a few constraints.
> Swift-evolution thread: [Discussion thread topic for that 
> proposal](https://lists.swift.org/pipermail/swift-evolution/Week-of-Mon-20161017/028112.html
> <https://lists.swift.org/pipermail/swift-evolution/Week-of-Mon-20161017/028112.html>)
> ## Motivation
> Nesting types inside other types allows us to scope their usage and provide a 
> cleaner interface. Protocols are an important part of Swift, and many popular 
> patterns (for example, the delegate pattern) define protocols which are 
> intended to be used in the semantic context of other types. It would be nice 
> to apply type-nesting here: `MyClass.Delegate` reads better than 
> `MyClassDelegate`, and literally brings structure to large frameworks.
> Similarly, we have examples of protocols in the standard library which define 
> supporting types to be used in the context of that protocol - 
> `FloatingPointClassification`, `FloatingPointSign`, and 
> `FloatingPointRoundingRule` are enums which are used by various members of 
> the `FloatingPoint` protocol. These types are part of the contract which the 
> protocol defines, and so it would be nice if they could be nested within the 
> protocol to reflect that (i.e. `FloatingPoint.Classification`, 
> `FloatingPoint.Sign`, `FloatingPoint.RoundingRule`).
> ## Proposed solution
> The first part is to allow protocols to be nested inside of structural types 
> (for example, in the delegate pattern):
> ```swift
> class AView {                    // A regular-old class
>     protocol Delegate: class {   // A nested protocol
>         func somethingHappened()
>     }
>     weak var delegate: Delegate?
> }
> class MyDelegate: AView.Delegate {
>     func somethingHappened() { /* ... */ }
> }
> ```
> The second part is to allow nominal types to be nested inside of protocols 
> (for example, `FloatingPoint.Sign`).
> ```swift
> protocol FloatingPoint {  
>     // 'Sign' is required for conformance, therefore good candidate for 
> nesting.
>     enum Sign {
>         case plus
>         case minus
>     }
>     var sign: Sign { get }
> }
> ```
> Similarly, protocols may be nested inside other protocols:
> ```swift
> protocol Scrollable: class {     // A regular-old protocol.
>     var currentPosition: Position { get }
>     protocol Delegate: class {   // A nested protocol.
>         func scrollableDidScroll(_: Scrollable, from: Position)
>     }    
>     weak var delegate: Delegate?
> }
> class MyScrollable: Scrollable {
>     var currentPosition = Position.zero
>     weak var delegate: Delegate?
> }
> extension MyController: Scrollable.Delegate {
>     func scrollableDidScroll(_ scrollable: Scrollable, from: Position) { 
>         let displacement = scrollable.currentPosition.x - from.x
>         // ...
>     }
> }
> ```
> **Namespacing:**
> It is important to draw a distinction between a protocol's nested types and 
> its associated types. Associated types are placeholders (similar to generic 
> type parameters), to be defined individually by each type which conforms to 
> the protocol (e.g. every `Collection` will have a unique type of `Element`). 
> Nested types are standard nominal types, and they don't neccessarily have 
> anything to do with the conforming type (e.g. they may have been added in a 
> protocol extension). We would like to avoid importing _irrelevant_ types in 
> to the namespaces of conformers, but at the same time provide a convenient 
> interface for any _relevant_ nested types (e.g. `FloatingPoint.Sign` is 
> clearly relevant to `Float`, and it would be nice to call it `Float.Sign`).
> To achieve this, the compiler will generate hidden typealiases for all nested 
> types which are used by the protocol's requirements. The `FloatingPoint` 
> protocol requires that its members have a property of type 
> `FloatingPoint.Sign`, so it is clearly a relevant type for anybody who 
> conforms to `FloatingPoint`, and should be made convenient. The exception is 
> nested protocols, which are not implicitly imported even if used by a 
> requirement. For example:
> ```swift
> protocol FloatingPoint {
>    enum Sign {
>        case plus
>        case minus
>    }
>    var sign: Sign { get }   // 'Sign' is used by a requirement. exported via 
> typealiases.
> }
> struct Float: FloatingPoint {
>     // [implicit] typealias Sign = FloatingPoint.Sign
>     var sign: Sign { /* ... */ } // Sugared type: Float.Sign (via typealias)
> }
> let _: FloatingPoint.Sign = (4.0 as Float).sign as Double.Sign // all good B)
> ```
> Looking at the Scollable example again, we want to ensure programmers write 
> `Scrollable.Delegate` when writing their conformances and do not want to 
> allow `MyScrollable.Delegate` as an alternative. For that reason, the 
> compiler will not synthesise typealiases for nested protocols:
> ```swift
> protocol Scrollable: class {
>     protocol Delegate: class {
>         func scrollableDidScroll(_: Scrollable, from: Position)
>     }    
>     weak var delegate: Delegate? // nested protocol 'Delegate' used by 
> requirement, but _not_ imported!.
> }
> class MyScrollable: Scrollable {
>     // _no_ implicit typealias!
>     weak var delegate: Delegate? // Unqualified lookup. Type is: 
> Optional<Scrollable.Delegate>
> }
> extension MyController: Scrollable.Delegate { // <- We don't want to allow 
> 'MyScrollable.Delegate' here!
>     func scrollableDidScroll(_ scrollable: Scrollable, from: Position) { 
>         // ...
>     }
> }
> ```
> Other nested types (i.e. those not used by requirements) are also not 
> implicitly imported. Consider the following example of a struct which is 
> added to `RandomAccessCollection` by an extension; it has nothing to do with 
> any particular Collection (because it is generic), so it is irrelevant to any 
> particular conforming type:
> ```swift
> extension RandomAccessCollection {
>     /// A view of a collection which provides concurrent implementations of 
> map, filter, forEach, etc..
>     struct Concurrent<T: RandomAccessCollection> { /* ... */ }
>     var concurrent: Concurrent<Self> { return Concurrent(self) }  // is not a 
> requirement. No implicit typealiases for Concurrent<T>.
> }
> let _ = [1, 2, 3].concurrent   // type is: 
> RandomAccessCollection.Concurrent<Array<Int>>, _not_ Array<Int>.Concurrent
> ```
> It would be possible to work around this with a typealias. We might consider 
> synthesising these too once we have the ability to have default parameters 
> for generic types. This would give us a convenient way to namespace 'views' 
> of protocol conformers, as the standard library already does with 
> `LazySequence<S>` and `JoinedSequence<S, T>`:
> ```swift
> extension RandomAccessCollection {
>     // Default is bound to 'Parent' (`Self` of the parent context), which we 
> implement by creating a typealias.
>     struct Concurrent<T: RandomAccessCollection = Parent> { /* ... */ }
>     // [implicit] typealias Concurrent = Concurrent<Self>
> }
> let _: Array<Int>.Concurrent = [1, 2, 3].concurrent // sugared type: 
> Array<Int>.Concurrent
>                                                     // canonical type: 
> RandomAccessCollection.Concurrent<Array<Int>>
> ```
> **Access Control:**
> Currently, members of a protocol declaration may not have access-control 
> modifiers. That should apply for nested type declarations, too. The nested 
> type itself, however, may contain members with limited visibility (including 
> a lack of visible initialisers). The exception is that class types may 
> include `open` or `final` modifiers.
> ```swift
> public protocol MyProtocol {    
>     final class Context {                   // 'MyProtocol.Context' may not 
> have any access control modifiers. Visibility: public.
>         fileprivate let _parent: MyProtocol // 'MyProtocol.Context._parent', 
> however, may have limited access.
>         // No public initialisers. That's allowed.
>     }
> }
> ```
> Nested types may also be declared inside of protocol extensions. Consistent 
> with current language rules, nested type declarations inside of protocol 
> extensions _may_ have access control:
> ```swift
> extension FloatingPoint {
>     internal enum SignOrZero {  // 'FloatingPoint.SignOrZero' may have 
> limited access.
>         case plus
>         case minus
>         case zero
>     }
>     internal var signOrZero: SignOrZero {
>         if self == 0.0 { 
>             return .zero
>         }
>         else switch self.sign {
>            case .plus:  return .plus
>            case .minus: return .minus
>         }
>     }
> }
> ```
> **Constrained extensions:**
> Nested types may also be defined inside of constrained protocol extensions, 
> although they share a single namespace with unconstrained extensions:
> ```swift
> // View as a series of UTF8 characters
> extension Collection where Element == UInt8 {
>     struct UnicodeCharacterView: Collection { let _wrapped: 
> AnyCollection<UInt8> } // Type: Collection.UnicodeCharacterView
> }
> // View as a series of UTF16 characters
> extension Collection where Element == UInt16 {
>     struct UnicodeCharacterView: Collection { let _wrapped: 
> AnyCollection<UInt16> } // ERROR: Redefinition of type 
> 'Collection.UnicodeCharacterView'. Workaround is to make unique, e.g. 
> 'Collection.UTF16View'.
> }
> ```
> **Generic types:**
> Protocols may be nested inside of generic types, but they are not 
> parameterised by any generic parameters. In the example below, there is only 
> one nested protocol: `MyCollectionView.SelectionDelegate`, not 
> `MyCollectionView<Book>.SelectionDelegate` or 
> `MyCollectionView<Movie>.SelectionDelegate`:
> ```swift
> class MyCollectionView<MediaItem> : UICollectionView {
>     protocol SelectionDelegate: class {
>         func itemWasSelected(at: Index)
>     }
>     weak var selectionDelegate: SelectionDelegate?
> }
> class MyDelegate: MyCollectionView.SelectionDelegate { // Use of 
> unparameterised 'MyCollectionView' to refer to nested protocol.
>     func itemWasSelected(at: Index) { /* ... */ }
> }
> MyCollectionView<Book>.selectionDelegate  = MyDelegate()
> MyCollectionView<Song>.selectionDelegate  = MyDelegate()
> MyCollectionView<Movie>.selectionDelegate = MyDelegate()
> ```
> ### Limitations
> This proposal leaves one major limitation on protocol nesting: that nested 
> types may not capture any types from (or through) a parent protocol. There is 
> a 2x2 matrix of cases to consider here: when a nested protocol/nominal type 
> captures a type parameter from a parent protocol/nominal types. The TLDR 
> version is:
> | Capture from parent (V)\ by nested (H) | Protocol | Nominal Type |
> | ------------- | ------------- |---|
> | Protocol  | No  | No |
> | Nominal Type  | No | Yes! but not through a protocol. |
> Essentially this is due to compiler limitations around existentials. If/when 
> the compiler is capable of more comprehensive existentials, we can revisit 
> capturing across nested generic protocols/types. There are enough useful 
> cases which do not depend on this ability (including in the standard library) 
> that it's worth implementing what we can today, though.
> ## Detailed Design
> Given that nesting infers some context to the inner type, and that there is 
> some friction between protocols with associated types ("generic protocols") 
> and generic types, this section seeks to clarify when capturing is/is not 
> allowed. Although it references compiler limitations surrounding 
> existentials, any such changes are _not a part of this proposal_.
> - Protocols may not capture associated types
>     ```swift
>     protocol Stream {
>         associatedtype Content
>         protocol Receiver {
>             func receive(content: Content) // ERROR: Cannot capture 
> associated type 'Content' from 'Stream'
>         }
>         var receiver: Receiver { get set }
>     }
>     ```
>     Fundamentally, this is a compiler limitation. Ideally, we would like to 
> represent the capture roughly so:
>     ```swift
>     protocol Stream {
>         associatedtype Content
>         protocol Receiver {
>             // [implicit] associatedtype Content
>             func receive(content: Content)
>         }
>         var receiver: Any<Receiver where .Content == Content> { get set } // 
> Not possible today.
>     }
>     ```
>     Should this limitation be lifted, we can revisit capturing of associated 
> types. 
> - Protocols may not capture generic type parameters:
>     Even if we wanted to do this with an implicit associated type, as 
> mentioned above we couldn't represent the constrained protocol existential in 
> the parent. Since it is a stated decision to avoid parameterised protocols, 
> any capturing which may be allowed in the future would be expressed via 
> existentials on an unparameterised protocol anyway, possibly looking 
> something like this:
>     ```swift
>     class MyCollectionView<MediaItem> : UICollectionView {
>         protocol Source {
>             // [implicit] associatedtype MediaItem
>             func item(at: Int) -> MediaItem
>             var numberOfItems: Int { get }
>         }
>         var source: Any<MyCollectionView.Source where .MediaItem == 
> MediaItem> // Not possible today.
>     }
>     class BookSource: MyCollectionView.Source {
>         typealias MediaItem = Book
>         func item(at: Int) -> Book { /* ... */ }
>         var numberOfItems: Int     { /* ... */ }
>     }
>     class DummySource<MediaItem>: MyCollectionView.Source where MediaItem: 
> DummyConstructable {
>         // associatedtype 'MediaItem' bound to generic parameter.
>         func item(at: Int) -> MediaItem { /* ... */ }
>         var numberOfItems: Int          { /* ... */ } 
>     }
>     MyCollectionView<Book>().source = BookSource()
>     MyCollectionView<Book>().source = DummySource<Book>()
>     MyCollectionView<Song>().source  = DummySource() // type is: 
> DummySource<Song>
>     MyCollectionView<Movie>().source = DummySource() // type is: 
> DummySource<Movie>
>     ```
> - Nominal types *may* capture generic type parameters, but not through a 
> protocol
>     Nominal types can already have nested types which capture parameters from 
> their parents, and this proposal does not change that. However if we consider 
> the possible capture hierarchies when protocols are involved, one situation 
> is noteworthy:
>     ```swift
>     struct Top<X> {
>         protocol Middle {
>             enum Bottom {
>                 case howdy(X) // ERROR: Cannot capture 'X' from Top<X>
>             }
>             var bottomInstance : Bottom { get } // Would require capturing 'X'
>         }
>     }
>     ```
>     It isn't possible to refer to `Bottom` (or any types nested below it) 
> from `Middle`, due to the above limitation on protocols capturing generic 
> type parameters. Therefore the nesting is meaningless and should not be 
> allowed.
> - Nominal types may not capture associated types
>     Consider the `RandomAccessCollection.Concurrent` example from before, if 
> it were allowed to directly capture associated types from its enclosing 
> protocol (rather than a magic potion of generics, defaults and typealiases):
>      ```swift
>     // Note: Pretend there is something called 'Parent' which is a captured 
> 'Self' of the parent protocol.
>     protocol RandomAccessCollection {
>         struct Concurrent: RandomAccessCollection {
>             typealias Element = Parent.Element
>             typealias Index   = Parent.Index
>             init(with: Parent) { /* ... */ }
>         }
>         var concurrent: Concurrent { return Concurrent(self) }
>     }
>     ```
>     By capturing associated types, the type 
> `RandomAccessCollection.Concurrent` would also become existential (something 
> like `RAC.Concurrent where Parent == Array<Int>`). We could theoretically map 
> the capture of 'Parent' in to a generic parameter behind-the-scenes, but this 
> kind of capturing would only work for would-be captures from the immediate 
> parent before we start having the familiar problem of protocols capturing 
> associated types. It would be better to tackle capturing between nested 
> protocol types seperatetely at a later date.
>     ```swift
>     protocol Top {
>         associatedtype AssocTop
>         protocol Middle {
>             associatedtype AssocMiddle
>             enum Result {                 // [implicit] Result<Parent: 
> Middle, Parent_Parent: Top>
>                 case one(AssocMiddle)     // [implicit] Parent.AssocMidle
>                 case two(AssocTop)        // [implicit] Parent_Parent.AssocTop
>             }
>             var result: Result { get }    // [implicit] Result<Self, ???> - 
> would need to capture 'Self' from Parent
>         }
>     }
>     ```
> That's a long explanation of why it's best to just bar any kind of capturing 
> between protocols and structural types for now. We can maybe address this 
> limitation at a later date, as part of broader support for existentials and 
> according to demand.
> ## Source compatibility
> Standard library changes making use of this feature will be part of another 
> proposal.
> Outside of the standard library, it is likely that the Clang importer could 
> make use of this feature, as the delegate pattern is very common in Apple's 
> platform SDKs. Changes such as `UITableViewDelegate` -> 
> `UITableView.Delegate` can be migrated with a deprecated typealias:
> ```swift
> @deprecated("Use UITableView.Delegate instead")
> typealias UITableViewDelegate = UITableView.Delegate
> ```
> ## Effect on ABI stability
> This proposal is only about the language feature, but it is likely to result 
> in standard library and platform SDK changes.
> ## Effect on API resilience
> Since all capturing is disallowed, this type of nesting would only change the 
> name (in source and symbolic) of the relevant types.
> ## Alternatives considered
> - The alternative to nesting is to namespace your types manually with a 
> prefix, similar to what the standard library, Apple SDK overlays, and 
> existing Swift programs already do. However, nested types and cleaner 
> namespaces are one of the underrated benefits that developers - espcially 
> coming from Objective-C - have always been excited about. We like clean and 
> elegant APIs. From time to time somebody pops up on the mailing list to ask 
> why we don't have this feature yet, and the changes proposed here usually are 
> met with broad support.
> - Nesting a structural type (with function bodies) inside of a protocol 
> declaration is expected to be a little controversial. An alternative would be 
> to require nested types to be defined inside of protocol extensions. This 
> proposal leaves that as an option (indeed, that is the only way to provide 
> access control for nested types), but does not require it. We don't encourage 
> protocol declarations containing large concrete type bodies because those 
> details are usually irrelevant to those looking to conform to the protocol, 
> but for trivial cases it may be acceptable; that judgement is left to the 
> programmer.
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