> On 9 Feb 2017, at 13:50, Adrian Zubarev <adrian.zuba...@devandartist.com> 
> wrote:
> That last one is horrible to even look at (that’s my personal point of view). 
> It’s packed full with unnecessary UI, which reminds me of the time when 
> html-tables ruled all over the place. Discourse has a nice minimalistic look 
> and I’m sure people that will setup the forum will tweak it to make it feel 
> more appropriate for Swift, just like the design of the evolution-page was 
> tweaked several times. 
I don’t see unnecessary UI, I see NEEDED UI. Discourse is so minimalistic you 
don’t see any relevant information at all 8(

> Here is really good example of how a huge/popular topic like the current one 
> or String in Swift 4 would look like with Discourse (I picked one from Rust 
> with lots of replies): 
> https://users.rust-lang.org/t/high-order-function-with-type-parameter/3112/ 
> <https://users.rust-lang.org/t/high-order-function-with-type-parameter/3112/>
> +1 for Discourse, I think it really is the right choice.
What is good at this example? I don’t see anything good there but lots of 

- very hard to see who posted a reply
- very bad readability thanks to tiny font and low contrast colors
- totally broken threading (is one really supposed to click each time on 
replies to see them?)
- lots of wasted screen space (empty space and a very narrow text area)
- cryptic stuff like this 
- endless scrolling…

This is considered GOOD today? Does any modern web trend think on older people 
and people with glasses anymore?

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