> On 09 Feb 2017, at 18:29, Cihat Gündüz via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> @Jan: Your arguments are very subjective if not even insulting and derogatory 
> to many people who invest a lot of time and effort in crafting those things 
> you despise so openly. Here are just a few example quotes for you to reflect 
> your language:
> "I despise fp“, „is so annoying“, "made Swift imo a worse language“, "I hate 
> ‚modern' or as I call it ugly“, "Today’s standards are a bag of pain“, 
> "crappy sites als Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Stackoverflow, add lots of 
> other 'cool' sites“, "I can’t stand scrolling“, "I hate both“, "todays 
> absolutely useless crap“, …
> Please be aware that this behavior is against the Code of Conduct of the 
> Swift Community. Let’s try to stay objective and justify different opinions 
> rationally instead of personally. Of course it is valid for you to say that 
> you don’t like FP or that you don’t like how the world is changing in 
> general. But please be aware that you have to add the reason why you think it 
> is so in detail, so we understand your thinking and can overcome changes to 
> the wrong direction. Senctences like „I despise FP“ without any explanation 
> are not a form of constructive feedback though, nobody will learn anything 
> from that kind of thing. Currently you’re merely expressing your anger here, 
> no more, no less.

I don’t think he did. He expressed his opinions rather forcefully, but we all 
tick different. He did not call anybody out specifically.
And just because somebody spend a lot of time on something does not make it 
great. And maybe they need to hear it this way to “get the message”. Sugar 
coating can do a lot of harm.

Btw: this does remind me of some of things I heard about a former -too early 
deceased- leader of apple...


> @Jens: One of the biggest reasons I’m all for Discourse is the fact that it’s 
> open source. What this implies is: You know exactly what happens with the 
> data you save there, and, there is no dependency on a third-party service 
> which could change or even close over time. This is why I’m against 
> groups.io, GitHub Issues or any other non-open source solution. What it also 
> means is: If the open source tool we decided to go for (Discourse) doesn’t 
> have good support for emails yet, we can implement it ourselves, improve the 
> existing support or add a bridge to another open source tool that can deal 
> with that.
> -- 
> Cihat Gündüz
> Am 9. Februar 2017 um 15:59:33, Jan Neumüller via swift-evolution 
> (swift-evolution@swift.org) schrieb:
>> Well, if the community likes it so much. Have fun with it. I will leave as I 
>> have left the Developer Forums at Apple because they became unusable.
>>> On 9 Feb 2017, at 15:17, Adrian Zubarev <adrian.zuba...@devandartist.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>> The quote below made my day dear Swift friend as I might remind you that if 
>>> modern is associated with hate in your mind, then the modern programming 
>>> language called Swift would probably be a bad choice. 
>> I starting to think that myself. I was very active at the beginning of Swift 
>> (way before the open sourcing) but I absolutely don’t like the increasing 
>> influence of functional programming on it. I despise fp and don’t want it in 
>> Swift. If people want it that much use Haskell 8(
>>> I might remind everyone that Discourse is open sourced and therefore tweaks 
>>> are possible. If you prefer a consistent font like on swift.org, than spell 
>>> it out and help to create a corner on the web where every Swiftier feels 
>>> right at home. 
>> I don’t think that Discourse is salvageable but go on. But I don’t know how 
>> one could rip out this big piece of JavaScript and keep ist functional.
>>> Personally I’d prefer (if possible) that we’d remove profile pictures from 
>>> the forum and simply have only full names (colored?) + some kind of 
>>> annotation (e.g. Core Team, etc.). Profile pictures are only gimmicks that 
>>> does not contribute to anything at all.
>>> As Jan already said, the font (and font-size?) of the forum could match the 
>>> font from swift.org if possible. I wouldn’t mind and it’d make it a little 
>>> bit more alike.
>> You don’t have to care for me - Swift 4 will be the deciding step if I throw 
>> any Swift work away and return to Objective-C. The heavy functional 
>> programming push since open sourcing is so annoying and made Swift imo a 
>> worse language.
>> Jan
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