Hello All,

Its Sunday, time for some reflection...

One of the big plusses of Objective-C was that the entire manual was just a few 
pages long. I have not looked it up, but IIRC the entire manual describing the 
language was probably less than 50 pages. Much less if you subtract the filler 

Now, Objective-C is -arguably- not a very ‘nice’ or aesthetically pleasing 

Swift is a huge improvement aesthetically speaking. But at the cost of a much 
larger user manual. Right of the bat it was clear to me that in Swift some of 
the learning curve from the framework (Cocoa) was shifted into language 
(Swift). I.e. Swift seemed specifically targeted to the idioms we used in 
Objective-C/Cocoa. It was one of the reasons that I took to Swift immediately.

Now that we have Swift 3, many of the original shortcomings have been filled. A 
few remain, but imo not very many.

That brings me to my concern: Swift seems to be on course to become a behemoth 
of a language. 

I am absolutely convinced that everybody on this list has the best of 
intentions. We all want the very best tool available. We want Swift to become a 
shiny many facetted jewel among the languages.

But in doing so we might -inadvertently- make Swift into a behemoth that can do 
everything ... if you know how!

In my opinion Swift is on course to become a very complex language where one 
needs guru status to be a mid level programmer. Beginning programmers will 
stand no chance whatsoever to maintain an app developed by an expert. (A bit 
like C++, another extremely powerful language - that seems to have been 

I have been on this list now for a few weeks, and I see very little push-back 
on new suggestions. Most of the reactions are positive-constructive. IMO we 
need more push-back. Without it behemoth status is all but guaranteed.

I don’t know about the core team, I don’t know about Apple, I don’t know where 
they want to go.

I just want to make a plea here: Please stop Swift from becoming a behemoth.

I don’t know if the millions (?) of Swift developers not on this list agree 
with me. I somehow think they do, after all they are not on this list! They are 
not looking to change Swift...

Well, I just had to get that off my chest...

To close this off, I do want to take this opportunity to thank the core team 
for their work, I truly appreciate it!
And whatever may come, here is one happy Swift user!

Best regards,

Site: http://balancingrock.nl
Blog: http://swiftrien.blogspot.com
Github: http://github.com/Balancingrock
Project: http://swiftfire.nl

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