
This is much better than #keyPath(Root, .path).  

I think I can get used to using the escape \ character.  I'll think of it as 
escaping execution of the key path.

> On Apr 5, 2017, at 7:01 PM, Douglas Gregor <dgre...@apple.com> wrote:
> Proposal Link: 
> https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0161-key-paths.md
> <https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0161-key-paths.md>
> Hello Swift community,
> The review of SE-0161 “Smart KeyPaths: Better Key-Value Coding for Swift” ran 
> from March 30...April 5, 2017. The proposal was very well-received *except* 
> that reviewers felt that the #keyPath syntax was far too heavy for this new 
> language construct, and preferred the lighter-weight syntax of the pre-review 
> drafts. This proposal is returned for revision to address the syntax.
> The heavyweight #keyPath syntax was requested by the core team after 
> reviewing earlier drafts, which used a far lighter syntax:
>       // (Rejected) syntax from pre-review drafts
>       let firstFriendsNameKeyPath = Person.friends[0].name
>       print(luke[keyPath: .friends[0].name])
> The core team’s specific concern was that these key path expressions (e.g., 
> Person.friends[0].name) don’t make it sufficiently clear that the actual 
> property accesses are being delayed, and that the contextual cues (“Person." 
> vs. “luke.”) are insufficient to disambiguate for the human reader. Hence, 
> the request for a different (more explicit) syntax.
> Reviewers rightly point out that it is natural for key-paths to use the same 
> syntax as unapplied instance method references, e.g., 
> Person.someInstanceMethod produces a value of some function type with the 
> “Self” type curried, e.g., (Person) -> (param-types) -> result-type. The core 
> team agrees with this sentiment. The core team also felt that Swift’s 
> existing unapplied method references suffer from the same clarity problems as 
> the initial key-path syntax, i.e., that it isn’t sufficiently clear that the 
> actual application of “self” is being delayed.
> The core team has a specific proposal: use the backslash (‘\’) to as a 
> leading indicator for key paths. Specifically,
>       // Proposed syntax for second revision
>       let firstFriendsNameKeyPath = \Person.friends[0].name
>       print(luke[keyPath: \.friends[0].name])
> The backslash is a visual cue that the actual application of this chain of 
> property references is delayed, eliminating ambiguities, yet is still quite 
> lightweight and feels “first-class” in the language.
> The core team felt that, in the future, the backslash should also be used for 
> unapplied instance method references, to match the proposed syntax for key 
> paths and improve clarity for this non obvious feature. This change could be 
> staged in as a revision to the accepted-but-never-implemented SE-0042: 
> Flattening the function type of unapplied method references 
> <https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0042-flatten-method-types.md>,
>  e.g.,
>       // Proposed future syntax for unapplied instance method references
>         class Person {
>         func instanceMethod(_: String) -> Int { … }
>       }
>       let f1 = Person.instanceMethod   // to-be-deprecated; produces a value 
> of type (Person) -> (String) -> Int
>       let f2 = \Person.instanceMethod  // to-be-introduced via a revised 
> SE-0042: produces a value of type (Person, String) -> Int
> Such an approach gives us a way to stage in SE-0042 and get to eventual 
> consistency between key paths and unapplied instance method references.
>       - Doug
>       Review Manager
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