What do you think of the idea that several of us have been proposing on another 
thread?  In addition to being able to place ‘await' before an asynchronous 
function, you could instead write ‘async’ which would simply allow you to defer 
calling await (presumably until you need to await multiple items at once).  You 
would be required by the compiler to call ‘await’ before being able to access 
the resulting value.

        let a = async longCalculationA()
        let b = async longCalculationB() //b doesn’t wait for a to complete 
before starting
        let c = async longCalculationC() //c doesn’t wait for a or b
        let result = await combineCalculations(a: a, b: b, c: c) //waits until 
a, b, and c are all available

I think this would give us 80% of the value of futures, but with added benefits:

• It allows optimizations which futures do not - One of swift’s core goals is 
to have the resulting program be as fast/performant as possible.  The compiler 
has a lot of freedom here to optimize as it sees fit, because it doesn’t have 
to create a programmer inspectable object.  The above could be implemented by 
the compiler behind the scenes using some sort of future, but it could also 
just combine the continuation blocks in a different way.  It can provide 
different optimizations in different situations.

• It is forward compatible - Even if we just implement this by creating 
internal futures, because we don’t expose those details, that implementation 
can be changed at any time without involving evolution.

• It works with any async function - Futures have a different type, and so any 
function returning a future (especially in a chain of returns) must explicitly 
return Future<Type>. The proposal above returns the normal type (with a 
compiler annotation forcing await to be called before it is used). As a result 
‘async’ can be used anywhere ‘await’ can be used, even in a chain of ‘async’ 
returns. The guarantee we are making is that the result will not be used 
without calling ‘await’.

• It may make actual futures more efficient - None of the points above are 
arguing against having futures in Swift. I want them in the standard library!  
With the above as a base, it should be fairly simple to build futures as a 
framework with all of introspection and cancellation ability that implies.  
Those futures should also gain some of the optimizations of that base as a 
result (especially when there are intermediate stages to a long calculation, 


> On Aug 27, 2017, at 7:22 PM, Adam Kemp via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> As has been explained, futures can be built on top of async/await (or the 
> other way around). You can have the best of both worlds. We are not losing 
> anything by having this feature. It would be a huge improvement to have this 
> as an option. 
> However, using futures correctly requires more nested closures than you have 
> shown in your examples to avoid blocking any threads. That's why you're not 
> seeing the advantage to async/await. You're comparing examples that have very 
> different behaviors.
> That said, I have also expressed my opinion that it is better to build 
> async/await on top of futures rather than the other way around. I believe it 
> is more powerful and cleaner to make async/await work with any arbitrary 
> future type (via a protocol). The alternative (building futures on top of 
> async/await) requires more code when the two are mixed. I very much prefer 
> how it's done in C#, where you can freely mix the two models without having 
> to resort to ad-hoc wrappers, and you can use async/await with any futures 
> implementation you might already be using.
> I really think we should be having more discussion about the tradeoffs 
> between those two approaches, and I'm concerned that some of the opinions 
> about how C# does it are not based on a clear and accurate understanding of 
> how it actually works in that language. 
> --
> Adam Kemp
> On Aug 27, 2017, at 6:02 PM, Howard Lovatt <howard.lov...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:howard.lov...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> The async/await is very similar to the proposed Future (as I posed earlier) 
>> with regard to completion-handler code, they both re-write the imported 
>> completion-handler function using a closure, the relevant sentence from the 
>> Async Proposal is:
>> "Under the hood, the compiler rewrites this code using nested closures ..."
>> Unlike the proposed future code the async code is not naturally parallel, in 
>> the running example the following lines from the async code are run in 
>> series, i.e. await blocks:
>>   let dataResource  = await loadWebResource("dataprofile.txt")
>>   let imageResource = await loadWebResource("imagedata.dat")
>> The equivalent lines using the proposed Future:
>>   let dataResource  = loadWebResource("dataprofile.txt")
>>   let imageResource = loadWebResource("imagedata.dat")
>> Run in parallel and therefore are potentially faster assuming that 
>> resources, like cores and IO, are available.
>> Therefore you would be better using a Future than an async, so why provide 
>> an async unless you can make a convincing argument that it allows you to 
>> write a better future?
>>   -- Howard.
>> On 28 August 2017 at 09:59, Adam Kemp <adam.k...@apple.com 
>> <mailto:adam.k...@apple.com>> wrote:
>> This example still has nested closures (to create a Future), and still 
>> relies on a synchronous get method that will block a thread. Async/await 
>> does not require blocking any threads.
>> I’m definitely a fan of futures, but this example isn’t even a good example 
>> of using futures. If you’re using a synchronous get method then you’re not 
>> using futures properly. They’re supposed to make it easy to avoid writing 
>> blocking code. This example just does the blocking call on some other thread.
>> Doing it properly would show the benefits of async/await because it would 
>> require more nesting and more complex error handling. By simplifying the 
>> code you’ve made a comparison between proper asynchronous code (with 
>> async/await) and improper asynchronous code (your example).
>> That tendency to want to just block a thread to make it easier is exactly 
>> why async/await is so valuable. You get simple code while still doing it 
>> correctly. 
>> --
>> Adam Kemp
>> On Aug 27, 2017, at 4:00 PM, Howard Lovatt via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>>> The running example used in the white paper coded using a Future is:
>>> func processImageData1() -> Future<Image> {
>>>     return AsynchronousFuture { _ -> Image in
>>>         let dataResource  = loadWebResource("dataprofile.txt") // 
>>> dataResource and imageResource run in parallel.
>>>         let imageResource = loadWebResource("imagedata.dat")
>>>         let imageTmp      = decodeImage(dataResource.get ?? Resource(path: 
>>> "Default data resource or prompt user"), imageResource.get ?? 
>>> Resource(path: "Default image resource or prompt user"))
>>>         let imageResult   =  dewarpAndCleanupImage(imageTmp.get ?? 
>>> Image(dataPath: "Default image or prompt user", imagePath: "Default image 
>>> or prompt user"))
>>>         return imageResult.get ?? Image(dataPath: "Default image or prompt 
>>> user", imagePath: "Default image or prompt user")
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> This also avoids the pyramid of doom; the pyramid is avoided by converting 
>>> continuation-handlers into either a sync or future, i.e. it is the importer 
>>> that eliminates the nesting by translating the code automatically. 
>>> This example using Future also demonstrates three advantages of Future: 
>>> they are naturally parallel (dataResource and imageResource lines run in 
>>> parallel), they timeout automatically (get returns nil if the Future has 
>>> taken too long), and if there is a failure (for any reason including 
>>> timeout) it provides a method of either detecting the failure or providing 
>>> a default (get returns nil on failure). 
>>> There are a three of other advantages a Future has that this example 
>>> doesn’t show: control over which thread the Future runs on, Futures can be 
>>> cancelled, and debugging information is available.
>>> You could imagine `async` as a syntax sugar for Future, e.g. the above 
>>> Future example could be:
>>> func processImageData1() async -> Image {
>>>     let dataResource  = loadWebResource("dataprofile.txt") // dataResource 
>>> and imageResource run in parallel.
>>>     let imageResource = loadWebResource("imagedata.dat")
>>>     let imageTmp      = decodeImage(dataResource.get ?? Resource(path: 
>>> "Default data resource or prompt user"), imageResource.get ?? 
>>> Resource(path: "Default image resource or prompt user"))
>>>     let imageResult   =  dewarpAndCleanupImage(imageTmp.get ?? 
>>> Image(dataPath: "Default image or prompt user", imagePath: "Default image 
>>> or prompt user"))
>>>     return imageResult.get ?? Image(dataPath: "Default image or prompt 
>>> user", imagePath: "Default image or prompt user")
>>> }
>>> Since an async is sugar for Future the async runs as soon as it is created 
>>> (as soon as the underlying Future is created) and get returns an optional 
>>> (also cancel and status would be still be present). Then if you want 
>>> control over threads and timeout they could be arguments to async:
>>> func processImageData1() async(queue: DispatchQueue.main, timeout: 
>>> .seconds(5)) -> Image { ... }
>>> On Sat, 26 Aug 2017 at 11:00 pm, Florent Vilmart <flor...@flovilmart.com 
>>> <mailto:flor...@flovilmart.com>> wrote:
>>> Howard, with async / await, the code is flat and you don’t have to 
>>> unowned/weak self to prevent hideous cycles in the callbacks.
>>> Futures can’t do that
>>> On Aug 26, 2017, 04:37 -0400, Goffredo Marocchi via swift-evolution 
>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>>, wrote:
>>>> With both he now built in promises in Node8 as well as libraries like 
>>>> Bluebird there was ample time to evaluate them and convert/auto convert at 
>>>> times libraries that loved callback pyramids of doom when the flow grows 
>>>> complex into promise based chains. Converting to Promises seems magical 
>>>> for the simple case, but can quickly descend in hard to follow flows and 
>>>> hard to debug errors when you move to non trivial multi path scenarios. JS 
>>>> is now solving it with their implementation of async/await, but the point 
>>>> is that without the full picture any single solution would break horribly 
>>>> in real life scenarios.
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On 26 Aug 2017, at 06:27, Howard Lovatt via swift-evolution 
>>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>>>>> My argument goes like this:
>>>>>   1. You don't need async/await to write a powerful future type; you can 
>>>>> use the underlying threads just as well, i.e. future with async/await is 
>>>>> no better than future without. 
>>>>>   2. Since future is more powerful, thread control, cancel, and timeout, 
>>>>> people should be encouraged to use this; instead because async/await are 
>>>>> language features they will be presumed, incorrectly, to be the best way, 
>>>>> consequently people will get into trouble with deadlocks because they 
>>>>> don't have control.
>>>>>   3. async/await will require some engineering work and will at best make 
>>>>> a mild syntax improvement and at worst lead to deadlocks, therefore they 
>>>>> just don't carry their weight in terms of useful additions to Swift.
>>>>> Therefore, save some engineering effort and just provide a future library.
>>>>> To turn the question round another way, in two forms:
>>>>>   1. What can async/wait do that a future can't?
>>>>>   2. How will future be improved if async/await is added?
>>>>>   -- Howard.
>>>>> On 26 August 2017 at 02:23, Joe Groff <jgr...@apple.com 
>>>>> <mailto:jgr...@apple.com>> wrote:
>>>>>> On Aug 25, 2017, at 12:34 AM, Howard Lovatt <howard.lov...@gmail.com 
>>>>>> <mailto:howard.lov...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>>>  In particular a future that is cancellable is more powerful that the 
>>>>>> proposed async/await.
>>>>> It's not more powerful; the features are to some degree disjoint. You can 
>>>>> build a Future abstraction and then use async/await to sugar code that 
>>>>> threads computation through futures. Getting back to Jakob's example, 
>>>>> someone (maybe the Clang importer, maybe Apple's framework developers in 
>>>>> an overlay) will still need to build infrastructure on top of IBActions 
>>>>> and other currently ad-hoc signalling mechanisms to integrate them into a 
>>>>> more expressive coordination framework.
>>>>> -Joe
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>>> -- 
>>> -- Howard.
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