Thank you Pierre for writing this. I wanted to say this for a while, but I am 
too busy these days to do it myself. 

Guys, please don’t miss what he has to say:

> On Aug 31, 2017, at 5:49 PM, Pierre Habouzit via swift-evolution 
> <> wrote:
> On real systems going wide concurrently (and I will not call this parallelism 
> on purpose, parallelism is about doing the same compute on different CPUs) is 
> not often a win provided the thing you're doing is complex enough.
> The reason for it is that most of these subsystems, and loadWebResource is a 
> perfect example of this, use constrained resources that use locks and the 
> like.
> In practice, you would really want all resources that you load from the 
> internet to be handled from the same execution context (whether it's a 
> dispatch queue, a thread or a CFRunloop is absolutely not relevant), because 
> it's very likely that you'll end up contending concurrent executions of these 
> loads through locks and the various shared resources in use (like your NIC 
> and the networking stack).
> We've learned over the last 10 years of working on a massively concurrent 
> system because of libdispatch making it too easy (some will say thanks to, 
> but these aren't the one who need to cope with that it does to the OS :P), is 
> that going wide by default is a design mistake and is very difficult to 
> optimize when it goes bad.
> The right design is to have silos of execution contexts that are very few, as 
> few as you can, and parallelize (and here I mean parallelize) the operations 
> that benefit from using several compute units when you have proved that you 
> do scale linearly (and scaling linearly is VERY hard, even for low values of 
> NCPU as soon as what you do is complex enough)
> To me (but I'm catching up with the thread and maybe there have been 
> refinements in that regard already), the loseness of the "execution context" 
> that will run your completion handler here is a liability for the 
> implementation of the runtime. Go for example is not doing that well, for the 
> longest time the environment they recommended had a very small amount of 
> physical threads because of scalability concerns around their goroutines 
> scheduler. I'm mentioning go as an example of a language which is 
> implementing CSP as a core concept, and has had (I'm not quite sure where 
> they stand these days) quite a lot of trouble scaling the implementation.
> IMSHO dispatch_get_global_queue() is in practice on of the worst thing that 
> the dispatch API provides, because despite all the best efforts of the 
> runtime, there aren't enough information at runtime about your 
> operations/actors/... to understand what your intent is and optimize for it. 
> Which means that the language should make sure that (1) the anti-pattern is 
> not the default behavior and (2) the interface provides a way to give and 
> propagate the hints (dependency relationships, ordering, execution context, 
> priorities, ...) the runtime will potentially need upfront.

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