> On Dec 3, 2017, at 10:54 AM, Thorsten Seitz <tseit...@icloud.com> wrote:
>> At that point, there would be a general uproar because IUOs have high 
>> potential for abuse: Swift is “all about” strong types and safety, which 
>> IUOs undermine.  Strong optionals are considered a pain to use by some 
>> people and widely misunderstood (I think they are the biggest challenge in 
>> learning Swift in practice), and so it is a reasonable feature that people 
>> could pervasively adopt IUOs, leading to a much worse world all around.
>> This made up parallel universe is exactly analogous to what is happening 
>> now.  DynamicMemberLookup is no more dangerous and harmful than IUOs are.  
> The difference is that IUOs are marked by a "!“ whereas dynamic member 
> lookups look just like normal member lookups but unlike them can fail.

Matthew was primarily concerned about point of use, in which IUO dereferencing 
is completely implicit and invisible.


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