> On Jun 30, 2017, at 2:44 PM, David Baraff via swift-users 
> <swift-users@swift.org> wrote:
> Python:
>  shortID = longerDeviceID[-2:]                # give me the last two 
> characters
> Swift:
>  let shortID = 
> String(longerDeviceID.characters.dropFirst(longerDeviceID.characters.count - 
> 2))

This actually perfectly illustrates why Swift is designed the way it is.

The first thing to notice is that the Python version is terse, but it's 
actually impossible to know what it actually *does*. Is it operating on bytes, 
code units, Unicode scalars, or grapheme clusters? Well, that depends: is this 
Python 2 or Python 3? If it's 2, is this a `string` or a `unicode`? If it's 3, 
is it a `string` or a `bytes`? And if it is one of the Unicode-aware types, how 
are those indexed? (I honestly don't know—I can't find anything about that in 
the documentation.) And forget about understanding its performance 
characteristics—that's an implementation detail.

The second thing to notice is that your Swift solution is very inefficient. It 
counts all the characters in the string, subtracts two, then counts all but the 
last two characters in the string before returning the last two. That is, it 
unnecessarily walks over the entire string twice. If you read your expression 
closely, all of this behavior is plainly stated in the code.

What you actually want to do is count back two characters from the *end*, like 

        let shortID = 
 offsetBy: -2) ..< longerDeviceID.characters.endIndex])

Or, in Swift 4:

        let shortID = 
String(longerDeviceID[longerDeviceID.index(longerDeviceID.endIndex, offsetBy: 

Or, as Adrian Zubarev pointed out, you can use the very convenient `suffix(_:)` 
method, available on any `Sequence`:

        let shortID = String(longerDeviceID.characters.suffix(2))       // 
Swift 3
        let shortID = String(longerDeviceID.suffix(2))                          
// Swift 4

Swift's strings were very deliberately designed this way. It's tougher to get 
off the ground, sure, but it's better in the long run.

Brent Royal-Gordon

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