Hello All,

Please review the following fix for Jdk9:

Bug : https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8139213
Webrev : http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rchamyal/8139213/webrev.00/

Issue : In Mac OS X Aqua LAF JOptionPane truncates the first button if multiple 
buttons are added to it.

Cause: AquaButtonAreaLayout class is not overriding base class method 
minimumLayoutSize as a result it is not taking to account the default button 
width for Aqua LAF.
Hence it is calculating incorrect dimensions for JOptionPane which results in 
truncation of button.

Fix: Overriding minimumLayoutSize in AquaButtonAreaLayout to consider default 
button width and height while calculating minimum size for JOptionPane.

Rajeev Chamyal

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