Hi All, Please review a fix for the JDK- 8004029 where the long tab titles were 
not clipped with the dots at the end to indicate a lengthy title. The aqua look 
and feel which is the default laf for mac does the title clipping only leading 
to an ambiguous UI where in the clipped title would look like the complete 
title though it is not. Hence it is good to show dots at the end indicating a 
much bigger title exists though the tab does not have enough real estate to 
display the complete title.


Solution and fix: I have updated the aqua laf module to clip the title text and 
put the dots at the end if the text size is larger than the tab size. Below is 
the picture after the fix.



Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8004029

Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~aghaisas/shashi/8004029/webrev.00/


Thanks and regards,



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