
A small C program which asks for the user to enter two values i and j.
then adds the i and j and displays the result to the user.
The C program is available in binary. I dont want to use Jni for this.

The first printf statement -> Enter value of i should be captured by
java program and it should be sent to the GUI from where the user will
enter the values for i. same happens for j also.
Then the result should be displayed to the user.

I know we can use Process process =  Runtime.exec(command) to execute
the c binary file.  and we can use process.getInputStream() to get
stdOut of c binary file and process.getOutputStream() to feed input the
the c binary file.  but i am confused how to implement this,

have any one come across these problems and if so could u please help or
pour some light on this.


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