To have a screen that has toolbar at the top, status bar at the bottom and two frames in the center. The frames in the center will act as main work area. i.e. user can drag some patterns or objects on frame 1 and frame 2 will display its properties.
In order to give user freedom to close one or reduce/increase size I want them to be as frames instead of panels.
1. Is there any other way in which I can achieve the same type of screen?
2. I want to put my internal frame on a desktopPane, how can I do that (in the attached code)?
3. why my internalFrame doesnt reflect the size that I give it?
What have i done:
1. Created a frame
2. Created a panel with BorderLayout.
3. Added a panel with toolbar in the north.
4. Added a panel with a Jlabel in the south.
5. Added a panel with JInternalFrame in the center.
The code:
1. Please find attached.
2. To Run--> java MainFrame
3. MainFrame.java -- is the startup class, that creates the frame.
4. MToolBar.java -- creates the toolbar.
5. MyInternalFrame.java -- create the internal frame.

Attachment: MyInternalFrame.java
Description: java/

Attachment: MToolBar.java
Description: java/

Attachment: MNewButton.java
Description: java/

Attachment: MCommandI.java
Description: java/

Attachment: MainFrame.java
Description: java/

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