Hello Friends,

In my application made in Java i show a JPopUpmenu on a JINternalFrame
in a DekstopPane which is further kept in JFrame. The contents of the
PopUpMenu may vary as according to the various places where the mouse is
clicked. Sometimes when the mouse may be clicked on the lower part of
the applciation some part of the PopUpmenu goes out of the visible area
of the screen. For that after showing the popupmenu i get the height of
the popup menu and shift it accordingly so that its length doesnt go out
of the viewable area. It works fine but  the problem is that it gives a
little flicker. And alsoo of i try to set the position before showing
the pop up menu i am not able to do so because before calling the show()
method of the popUPmenu i am getting the height and width of the pop up
menu. Please help me out.
Any type of pointers and links would be highly helpful.

Thanks in Advance


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