>>>>> "David" == David M Karr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    David> I've noticed an annoyance with using JSpinner, particularly as a table 
    David> It works fine if you just use the up/down buttons to change the valiue.

    David> It also seems to work fine if you manually type in a number.  However, once 
    David> move out of the field, the edited value goes away and is replaced by the
    David> previous value.

I've done some more experimentation on this.  I was able to go further on the
idea of using a FocusListener because Kleopatra pointed out to me the new
"setSurrendersFocusOnKeystroke()" method on "JTable".  Using this, I could
ensure that the spinner actually gets focus and later loses it (actually, it's
the internal text field, not the spinner).  Unfortunately, what I found was
that just before the FocusListener is processed, the field has already been
reverted to its old value.

So, I found that the only practical solution is to set the internal text field
to uneditable.  In other words, to not allow manual editing of the text field.

I found that JSpinners outside of JTables don't have this problem, although I'm
not certain of the exact circumstances that makes this work and the other
scenario not work.

David M. Karr          ; Java/J2EE/XML/Unix/C++

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