Hi all,

> > SWINOG ISPA = the association, requires membership
> > SWINOG      = the community where everybody can join and comment
> > 
> > ISPA = Internet Service Provider Association
> > 
> > Similar in style to what the difference between RIPE/RIPE NCC is.

Indeed, RIPE is the Community and it's open to all humans in the Region to 
discuss into the Working Groups and/or at the
meetings. RIPE-NCC is the legal and financial entity, with a regular balance 
and budget. It is the real legal umbrella
for the Community. As ISOC is for IETF. We had the same problem in NRO 
creation. We had to incorporate NRO into a legal
entity (in Uruguay) to allow protection and contract signing with ICANN and the 
American DoC.
So, maybe, we need the same in Switzerland. We've a lot of discussion 
associations, but not a real legal interface that
can protect us against dangerous laws and can seat at various tables to make 
our voice heard.


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