Hi Everyone,

I am currently writing a little thesis about DDoS mitigations and would like to 
pickup an old topic: BCP38
While searching in the caves of the Swinog archive I didn't found much 
information in the past about this subject. Only a unanswered Mail-Post from 
2014 from Jeroen Massar [1]

I would like to know how spoofable Switzerland's ISP/Netowrks are. It would be 
very nice if some of you Swinogers would participate in my survey. 

The anonymous poll form "BCP38 deployment in Switzerland" can be found under:

You can also reply to this thread with your personal opinion.

On request I can deliver a summary of my my survey.

Thanks for participating!


[1] http://lists.swinog.ch/public/swinog/2014-February/006040.html

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