Hi Marcel

> As for the issue at hand: the DNS servers of your customer are (were)
> not properly reachable from our IP ranges or more specifically we are
> (were) unable to get the IPs for ns1.aerni.com or ns2.aerni.com.
> During our investigation this resolution has mostly recovered and we
> are able to resolve the domain properly, so this issue should now be
> resolved. This makes it harder though to pinpoint the exact cause
> here, to us it currently seems though that NS records have been
> changed and the old DNS servers been turned off before the TTLs of
> the old NS records had expired, so some intermediate DNS/CNS servers
> still had cached info that was now no longer working and this made
> the domain unresolvable to our servers.
> As a side note: both NS entries now share a single IP and that is
> even the same IP as the mail server, this is definitely not an
> optimal setup, an offsite secondary DNS server that didn't need
> changing might have prevented this from the start.

Ok, thank you, this clarifies and explains the issue. Yes, the customer
has troubles with his main internet link at the moment and uses this ip
address as his backup link.

I know he made mail.aerni.com pointing to the backup IP to be able to
receive emails over the backup link.

I guess he also changed the NS entries at his registrar, so his DNS
Servers can be reachable at this IP for the time of the outage. I'll
suggest to him that he should have a secondary outside of his network
so DNS is not dead if his link dies.

Mit freundlichen Grüssen

-Benoît Panizzon-
I m p r o W a r e   A G    -    Leiter Commerce Kunden

Zurlindenstrasse 29             Tel  +41 61 826 93 00
CH-4133 Pratteln                Fax  +41 61 826 93 01
Schweiz                         Web  http://www.imp.ch

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