The first iteration is up on the web site.  Be advised that this 
schedule is tentative and subject to change.  A less annotated version appears 



(As of 24 January 2017. Tentative and Subject to Change)

Thursday, 2 March 2017

1200    Registration Table and Exhibit Room Open (until 1700)

1300    “Broadcast Towers I've Known and Photographed" – Scott Fybush provides 
a visual tour of broadcast transmitter sites including several shortwave 
facilities he’s had the privilege of visiting lately.

1430    “Radio on the Road” – Once again, travel the world of radio with Janice 
Laws and Steve Karlock in this popular continuing Fest series. Janice has now 
visited 84 countries and made many recordings and videos of local stations 
she’s heard during her travels. Including hot tips on how to make the most of 
your vacations and radio listening hobby, updated for this 30th Fest!

1600    “Getting Started with RTL-SDR” - RTL-SDR refers to a class of hardware 
devices based upon a particular DVB-T CODFM demodulator with a USB interface.  
While designed to receive off air digital television outside of the US ATSC 
system, hobbyists have found for several years that it makes for a great 
receiver for VHF and up.  Dan Srebnick covers how to get started with free(ly) 
available software, and describes some interesting uses of this low-cost 
receiver platform.

1700    Dinner on Your Own

1930    Registration Table and Exhibit Room Re-Open (until 2100)

           Hospitality Room and Receiver Demonstrations Open (until 2400)

2000    “Radio 101 - The Past, Present and Future of Radio for Newbies and 
Significant Others of Radio Geeks" -- Charles Hargrove introduces the 
uninitiated to the history and science of radio, describing what is out there 
to hear and what new developments are on the horizon.  From shortwave to 
scanners, satellite TV to covert communications, there is much to receive and 
view the world without having to wait for "film at 11" from your local news 

Friday, 3 March 2017

0800    Registration Table Opens (until 1200)

           Exhibit Room Opens (all day)

0830    “What’s Up at RFA?” – Our good friend, Radio Free Asia Program and 
Operations Support Director AJ Janitschek, returns with a report on how RFA is 
faring in its efforts to provide reliable news and information to Asian nations 
lacking free media.  He’ll also unveil a little surprise for DXers on the 
occasion of the 30th Fest!

0930    “Internet DXing” -- Radio listening is changing.  We can now stream 
global broadcasters and those former tropical band stations on our smartphones, 
tablets and desktop computers.  However, there are many stations that the big 
aggregators like TuneIn, vTuner and Shoutcast miss in their postings.  Tracy 
Wood demonstrates how to hunt down those illusive Internet “DX targets” using 
search engines, HTML deep dives, packet sniffers, scripts and online geospatial 
tools  The “Joy of DXing” truly has returned, albeit it’s now Internet-style!

1100    "Pirate Radio Year in Review" – George Zeller leads our annual 
discussion of the year in pirate radio--oriented both toward veteran pirate 
DXers and also newcomers to this aspect of the radio hobby--including official 
announcement of the 2017 class of inductees into the North American Pirate 
Radio Hall of Fame.

1200    Lunch on Your Own

           Hospitality Room and Receiver Demonstrations Open (until 1330)

1315    Registration Table Re-Opens (until 1500)

1330    “Going Digital: Better Scanning in the 21st Century” -- Tom Swisher 
leads our annual session devoted exclusively to scanners where up-to-date 
methods for scanning modern communication systems will be demonstrated and 

1500    “Farewell to the BBG: What's Ahead for U.S. International Media and the 
VOA?” -- U.S. government-funded media -- VOA, RFE/RL, RFA, Radio/TV Marti, and 
MBN -- are all impacted by legislation signed by Barack Obama in one of his 
final acts as president.  Our good friend and former VOA White House, 
Congressional and Foreign Correspondent Dan Robinson reviews recent events and 
offers his views on where things are headed.

1630    "Defining Radio in Software” -- Mark Phillips provides a “1000 mile 
view” of what SDR (software defined radio) is, what it does, how we use it all 
the time without realizing and why it's really quite a significant milestone in 

1730    Dinner on Your Own

           Hospitality Room and Receiver Demonstrations Open (until 2400)

1900    Informal Radio Swap Meet Starts (in the Exhibit Room)

2000    “Zenith ‘Long Distance Radio’ and the Highway to DXing” -- The early 
(1919-1925) work of Zenith Radio Corporation poured gasoline on the flames of 
early DXing and helped spread the fire to the masses. With a description like 
that, there has to be an interesting story in there somewhere and Harold “Dr. 
DX” Cones, one of the notorious Gang of Three who invented the Fest, is just 
the one to tell it.

2115    THE ANNUAL SHORTWAVE SHINDIG!  David Goren.  (Description pending; will 
include a live broadcast via WRMI Radio Miami International, times and 
frequency TBD.)

Saturday, 4 March 2017

0800    Registration Table Opens (until 1000)

           Exhibit Room Opens (all day)

0830    SWLing in Japan: Past, Present and Future – We are pleased to welcome 
once again our friend Toshimichi Ohtaké, joined this year by Sakaé Obara, 
representing Japan Shortwave Club (JSWC) and discussing the current state of 
the hobby there.  SWLing was very popular among teenagers in the country during 
1970s-1980s, and that influences the hobby still today.

0945    FM Broadcast DXing – Russ Edmunds (description pending)

1000    Silent Auction Opens (location TBA)

1100    "Pirate Radio in Continental Europe - A Personal View” – Andy Walker 
returns with Chris Ise, who have “crossed the pond” to discuss the free radio 
scene in Europe of the last 25 years. Chris has operated 'pirate station' Crazy 
Wave Radio (CWR) for around 24 years and was one of the main organizers of 
Level 48, a network of European pirate operators broadcasting on public 
holidays in the mid-90s. He was also involved with the infamous Radio San 
Marino broadcast of 1998.  In 1999 he was part of the crew on Offshore 98, the 
last illegal broadcast station from the North Sea.  He will be more well known 
to American DXers as the 'DJ' voice of Mystery Radio which broadcast on 6220khz 
a few years ago. He has visited most of the major pirate stations throughout 
Europe over the years and has many photos, plus some video footage of their set 
ups. We are honored that they chose to join us for the 30th.

1200    Lunch on Your Own

           Hospitality Room and Receiver Demonstrations Open (until 2400 or 

1330    Espionage and Numbers Stations: Behind the Numbers – We're all familiar 
with "numbers stations", which have broadcast, encoded messages to spies since 
the start of the cold war.  Web sites have been devoted to cataloging the 
broadcasts, which appear to originate from almost every major (and many minor!) 
world powers. But who actually are these numbers stations intended for? Matt 
Blaze will examine (declassified) spy cases, how numbers stations have been 
used, how the messages are encoded (and why it's considered both secure and 
practical), how they sometimes fail, and why they've endured for so long.

1500    Collective Intelligence, Augmented Technologies and Super-Dark Denim --

We lament that as a breed we are dying out. Radio Australia has gone, 
interference is high and Norway is switching off all of its FM transmitters - 
for good! With such decay surely this must be the time of Armageddon. Actually, 
no says Mark Fahey who honors us again by returning from Oz for the 30th.  
Never before has so much been happening, he argues. There is a tsunami of 
super-dark denim wearing people, with cool haircuts using our receivers and 
antennas in amazing ways. Their ideas leverage a blend of technologies and 
there now are many thousands of SDRs deployed on the planet doing all types of 
cool things.  The range of applications is amazing. This presentation will be a 
real eye-opener to the power of low cost shortwave radios and their amazing 
application when augmented with other datasets and technologies.

1630    Silent Auction Ends

           Exhibit Room Closes

1800    Cocktail Party

1830    Annual Banquet

                       Keynote Speaker: Thomas J. “Skip” Arey, N2EI -- ARRL 
Southern                                                   NJ Section Manager 
and Author of “Radio Monitoring:                                             A 
How To Guide” and longtime contributor to various                               
                    radio-related publications.

                       Topic:  “A 30 Year Retrospective of the Fest”

2100    The Raffle

2400    The Midnight Ride of Pancho Villa (?)

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