On 11 July 2013 17:15, Edwin Shin <edwin.s...@yourmediashelf.com> wrote:
> On Jul 11, 2013, at 12:09 PM, Richard Jones <rich...@cottagelabs.com> wrote:
>> Hi Phil,
>> Yeah, multipart is critically broken across all implementations.  The
>> Apache Commons/Java approach doesn't work at all (notwithstanding
>> Eddie's workaround), and the python implementation is highly variable
>> (depending on framework used), but none of them truly work.
> The commons-fileupload approach doesn't work because that library doesn't 
> claim to do multipart/related and therefore, unsurprisingly, it doesn't.
> It's largely trivial to implement multipart/related support. I reported this 
> bug and provided a fix over a year ago and mentioned it again on the list 
> last October. It's a bit misleading to say it's broken across all platforms 
> when it feels more like a studious avoidance of just applying the bug fix.

You reported this bug to Commons File Upload or here?  I don't see any
pull requests on the JavaServer2.0 library which pertains to this -
apologies if I've missed a patch file.

I presume your fix only pertains to the java stuff, and not to the
python stuff as well?



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Richard Jones,

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