I recently added
to getServiceDocument in ServiceDocumentManagerImpl and it works
great, showing something like this in the Service Document:

<collectionPolicy xmlns="http://purl.org/net/sword/terms/";>Must pledge
to do no evil.</collectionPolicy>

Great. But now what? How would a SWORDv2 client accept this policy?

>From http://swordapp.github.io/SWORDv2-Profile/SWORDProfile.html is
seems like having a SWORDv2 client indicate acceptance of a collection
policy is out of scope since it's getting into "policy management":

"The scope of SWORD v2 will be limited to the deposit process between
any two scholarly systems or between a user facing system and a
service provider. This deposit process is only a portion of the full
content lifecycle and does not attempt to provide support for
collaborative or distributed authoring environments or policy
management; it is focused entirely on the process of moving content
from one location to another."

Is this right? Out of scope? Do SWORDv2 server implementers have users
accept the collection policy via some other mechanism such as a
separate web interface or some other protocol?



Philip Durbin
Software Developer for http://thedata.org

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