On 17/03/11 19:37, Richard Jones wrote:
>> In this second, expanded, view there are three things one need to define
>> within the discussion
>> 1) What the singular Thing is: a (zip|xml|csv|xyz) file
>> 2) What "standard" the manifest file is written to (METS, EPrintsXML,
>> etc....)
>> 3) What "standard" the metadata file is written to (DC, QDC, MODS,
>> EPrintsXML, BibTek, etc...)
>> Now, one could define a new identifier for each combination of manifest
>> & metadata, or one can describe them separately....
>> One has great flexibility & expandability, the other uses fewer header
>> fields.
> I think at the moment we're going for a URI which describes the
> combination. This is partly because /at the moment/ repositories tend to
> support a finite set of Packages which consist of their favourite
> metadata formats and their favourite structural manifests. So not all
> possible permutations of structural and descriptive data is currently
> likely. This may, of course, change.

This is not a problem... we just need to be up-front about it.

This mean, for example, that "METSDSpaceSIP" actually means "Zip file, 
with binary files included (subdirectories allowed). Manifest called 
'mets.xml', which contains the meta-data in epcdx format."

I'm happy with that..... but it does mean that this will spawn a LARGE 
number of distinct variations, each of which needs a unique IRI.
(Again, not a problem: the package I develop for the OA-RJ broker has an 
IRI in my opendepot.org name-space)


Ian Stuart.
Developer: Open Access Repository Junction and OpenDepot.org
Bibliographics and Multimedia Service Delivery team,
The University of Edinburgh.


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