On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 1:49 PM, Brian J. Dumont <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > I'll try it again via a clean install, but when I tried 2 weeks ago it
>  > completely failed.
>  >
>  Install everything, and it should work.  I have been able to do an
>  "everything install" and then cut out some things that were clearly not
>  needed to reduce the size a bit, but you'd need to do so at your own
>  risk: trading potential reinstall time for space.
>  Most machines now seem to have extra HDD space, so it's probably only an
>  issue in selected cases.

Right, but download times for the WHOLE Cygwin tree are still
prohibitive even over average home broadband connections - perhaps
only moderately prohibitive if you find a really fast mirror that can
push it out at near 1MB a second.  And a full Cygwin install is not
anything to sneeze at in size - I seem to remember it running on the
gigs of size scale.


>  If someone were to have the time and inclination, a list of required
>  packages would be very helpful.  I may have the inclination, but no time :(
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